Politics of Leisure and Recreation
Final Question Motivate question How would you research it?
Slow Food Movement Founder Manifesto Metamorphosis Discussion Points
Slow Food Movement How did it begin? Founded in Bra, Italy in 1986 by food activist Carlo Petrini Eno-gastronomy movement Defense of good wine and food Anti-Speed
Carlo Petrini: Shouldn’t good food be more valuable than designer underwear? wfood.it/index.php? method=multimedia &action=zoom&id=2 0068
The Slow Food Manifesto Six points
“We are enslaved by speed and have all succumbed to the same insidious virus: Fast Life, which disrupts our habits, pervades the privacy of our homes and forces us to eat Fast Foods.”
Slow Food Manifesto To be worthy of the name, Homo Sapiens should rid himself of speed before it reduces him to a species in danger of extinction.
Slow Food Manifesto A firm defense of quiet material pleasure is the only way to oppose the universal folly of Fast Life.
Slow Food Manifesto May suitable doses of guaranteed sensual pleasure and slow, long-lasting enjoyment preserve us from the contagion of the multitude who mistake frenzy for efficiency.
Slow Food Manifesto In the name of productivity, Fast Life has changed our way of being and threatens our environment and our landscapes. So Slow Food is now the only truly progressive answer.
Slow Food Manifesto Slow Food is an idea that needs plenty of qualified supporters who can help turn this (slow) motion into an international movement, with the little snail as its symbol.
How does it compare with anti Fast Food movement in US? - Fast Food Nation’s focus in on fast food as public health crisis - concerned with damaging effects of sugar and fat intake - obesity; supersize portions; - lack of exercise among Fast Food Eaters
Activities Protect the heritage of food organize tastings and seminars preserve traditional foods protect artisans; nominate artisans to participate in international events bring taste education into schools Fight the “cult of speed”
From Eno to Eco Gastronomy: Slow Food’s Metamorphosis Promote Food Safety Conserve Bio-diversity Promote Organic Farming Encourage Chefs to Source Locally Reduce Food Miles Support Fair Trade and Equity in North-South relations
Discussion Points What are the Dimensions of Speed that the Slow Food Movement is contesting? May suitable doses of guaranteed sensual pleasure and slow, long-lasting enjoyment preserve us from the contagion of the multitude who mistake frenzy for efficiency. Discuss. How has the Slow Food Movement turned eating into a political act?