Curriculum Night 2009 Your childs last year at Williams
Goals for Fifth Grade Independence Organization Producing quality work Being prepared for middle school
Homework Nightly Assignments * Independent Reading for 30 minutes * Everyday Math Study Links Weekly Assignments * Reading Comprehension Packet * Writing Component Long-Term Assignments * Assigned throughout the year throughout all areas of the curriculum Homework Expectations
Readers Workshop Students will experience fiction and non-fiction texts Identifying cause and effect relationships Analyze the elements of plot, character, and setting Differentiate genres by characteristics Identify themes Identify foreshadowing, sensory details and figurative language Identify main idea and supporting details
Balanced Literacy Aloud Teacher Modeling Thinking Aloud Student Listening Observing Shared Teacher Modeling Inviting Dip sticking Student Listening Sharing Applying Guided Teacher Observing Facilitating Supporting Student Applying Sharing Independent Teacher Conferring Monitoring Observing Student Applying Responding Gradual Release
A Typical Mathematics Lesson Getting Started Warm-up Activities Introduction Of New Content Meeting the Needs Of All Students Build number sense and basic skills through mental math, Study Link follow-up, and Math Messages Prepare for new content Main part of lesson often begins with discussion Apply and explore content through activities Independent Work Practice and review skills using Math Boxes, Math Journals, support materials, and games Teacher Directed Small Groups Extensions, Guided practice, Readiness activities, ELL support
Content in Grade 5 Mathematics Number and Numeration Operations and Computation Data and Chance Measurement Geometry Patterns, Functions and Algebra
Science Microscopes / Pond life /Food Chains & Food Webs/Owl Pellets Weather/Climate/Water Cycle Batteries and Bulbs/Simple Machines/Magnets and Electromagnets Lessons Making observations, collecting, recording, and reporting data Conducting an experiment with controls and variables Creating and testing a hypothesis and drawing conclusions Researching information and reading from a variety of sources Independent study skills / test taking
Writers Workshop Paragraph Writing Persuasive Essays Research Report Process Quick Writes/Creative Writing Friendly Letter Descriptive Writing Poetry
Writing across the curriculum Answering questions Written Reports The Writing Process Pre-writing/Brainstorming -Drafting -Editing/Revising -Peer Conference -Teacher Conference -Publishing -Authors Chair Grammar -topics discussed in class -weekly assignments - correcting /cursive practice Vocabulary/Spelling -weekly assignments/activities Writing Skills
Social Studies Constitution/Branches of Government Constitution/Branches of Government Native Americans Native Americans Colonial Life Colonial Life American Revolution American Revolution Constitution/Branches of Government Constitution/Branches of Government Native Americans Native Americans Colonial Life Colonial Life American Revolution American Revolution
5th Grade Happenings Intergenerational pen-pal program 5th Grade Play Field Trips Graduation and Good Bye Day Step-up Day Yearbook
Communication Weekly assignment book Website 2 conferences 2 report cards Progressfolios Call school between 8:00-8:20