Techniques of laparoscopic right hemicolectomy: Cancer and Crohn disease Ass. Prof. Zdravko Perko
Indication Cancer / carcinoid Crohn disease Cecal tumors Cecal necrosis....
Trocar positioning based on the experience and preference of the individual surgeon RIGHT HEMICOLECTOMIES –four trocars (50%), 3 trocars (30%), 5 trocars (20%) specimen extraction –at the site of the umbilical trocar, subcostal incision, upper medial incision –Crohn – right lateral (split) incision
Right colon patient position - op setup
Trocar position –At the umbilicus 10-12mm trocar is placed –A 10mm trocar is placed suprapubically –The epigastric region by 70% of authors –Some experts place a 5mm trocar at the left iliac fossa or at the right subcostal space.
Trocar position
Right colon - trocars
Right / Transverse colon patient position - op setup
Right / Transverse colon trocar placement
Right colon - procedures
Crohn disease lap assisted procedures
Anatomical features
Right colon carcinoma
Right colon - exposure
Right colon – medial approach
Right colon – anatomical relationships
Right colon anatomical relationships
Right colon – anatomical relationships
Right hemicolectomy Medial / lateral approach Blood vessels Urether / duodenum injury Ileocolic artery transsection –Right / medial colic art. transection Extracorporeal anastomosis
Incision –Upper medial, umbilical, subcostal Final dissection –Vessels transection, great omentum Anastomosis –End-to-end, end-to-side, side-to-side –Suture mesenteric gap –drainage
Postoperative course No NGT Liquid diet on the day of op Encourage mobilisation.....