Leadership for Changing Schools SEDL Published by Southwest Educational Development Laboratory OERI Sponsored by Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education
These materials were designed and developed by Southwest Educational Development Laboratory’s (SEDL) Leadership for Change Project ( ), and revised by Strategies for Increasing School Success Project ( ). Project Director Shirley M. Hord, Ph.D. Program Manager Strategies for Increasing School Success A special thanks is extended to Jody Mason Westbrook, Ed.D., consultant, for review and development of the new edition. Wesley A. Hoover, Ph.D., President & CEO 211 E. Seventh Street Austin, Texas (512) © SEDL November 2000 Southwest Educational Development Laboratory
Austin, Texas Leadership for Changing Schools Table of Contents Section A: Introduction Section B: Leadership Is Change Section C:Strategy One – Create a Context for Change Section D: Strategy Two – Develop and Articulate a Shared Vision Section E:Strategy Three – Plan and Provide Resources Section F: Strategy Four – Invest in Training and Professional Development Section G: Strategy Five – Assess Progress Strategy Six – Provide Continual Assistance Ho. A. 1
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory Austin, Texas Introduction and Overview Outcome 1:Participants will meet with institute staff, each other, and establish common experiences and needs of the group. Outcome 2:Participants will discuss the assumptions that provide the foundation for the materials and activities. Ho. A. 2
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory Austin, Texas A task without a vision is drudgery. A vision without a task is but a dream. But a vision and a task are a world of hope. Tombstone Sussex, England Ho. A. 3
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory Austin, Texas Focus of This Institute Implementation Not Planning Change Not Dreaming about Change but Putting Planned Change into Place Ho. A. 4
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory Austin, Texas Assumptions The change is based on... Ho. A. 5
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory Austin, Texas Overview – Leadership for Changing Schools Ho. A. 6 LEADERSHIP FOR CHANGING SCHOOLS is a set of professional development materials and activities designed to: 1. Help participants understand the process of change as it affects the individuals who implement the change; 2. Provide participants with tools to use for diagnosing and prescribing interventions related to change; and 3. Guide participants in using the materials to help themselves and others successfully implement their plans for change.
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory Austin, Texas Section A: Introduction Overview: In this section, the opening activities and introductions set the stage for the institute. The emphasis on implementation is highlighted and an overview of the material is provided. Section B: Leadership Is Change Participants review research and other materials to determine the need for leaders in change: who they are and what they do. Six research-based strategies serve as an organizer for the materials, activities, and learnings of the entire program. This section focuses on sharing leadership and the need for building the capacity in others for leadership roles and responsibilities. Section C: Strategy One – Create a Context for Change The Stages of Concern concept provides an understanding about what individuals experience during change. Participants study the research that identifies elements of context that support change and actions that can be taken by leaders to cultivate a context for change. Section D: Strategy Two – Develop and Articulate a Shared Vision Create a shared vision: Distinguishing between mission and vision and the development of a shared global vision are the central foci of this section. The necessity of a clear vision of a specific change is also emphasized. Ho. A. 7a
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory Austin, Texas Ho. A. 7b Section E: Strategy Three – Plan and Provide Resources The Innovation Configuration is a tool designed for developing clarity of the vision by clearly defining the change to be implemented. Additionally, implementation issues are discussed as they relate to teacher and administrator change. Identifying types of resources and why they are critical are the two primary topics in this section. Section F: Strategy Four – Invest in Training and Professional Development Professional development is the focus of this section. Participants study the purposes of professional development and relevant processes to deliver the selected content. Additionally, various models of professional growth are explained. The development of professional learning communities is examined. Section G: Strategy Five – Assess Progress Strategy Six – Provide Continual Assistance Tools and techniques for assessing progress are reviewed, and processes for providing assistance are identified.