1 Copyright © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. 4 Probability
Copyright © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Mutually Exclusive Events 4.4
3 Mutually Exclusive Events Mutually exclusive events are nonempty events defined on the same sample space with each event excluding the occurrence of the other. In other words, they are events that share no common elements. In algebra: P (A and B) = 0 There are several equivalent ways to express the concept of mutually exclusive: 1. If you know that either one of the events has occurred, then the other event is excluded or cannot have occurred.
4 Mutually Exclusive Events 2. If you are looking at the lists of the elements making up each event, none of the elements listed for either event will appear on the other event’s list; there are “no shared elements.” 3. The equation says, “the intersection of the two events has a probability of zero,” meaning “the intersection is an empty set” or “there is no intersection.”
5 Mutually Exclusive Events Note The concept of mutually exclusive events is based on the relationship between the sets of elements that satisfy the events. Mutually exclusive is not a probability concept by definition; it just happens to be easy to express the concept using a probability statement.
6 Understanding Mutually Exclusive (and Not Mutually Exclusive) Events
7 To help understand the difference between mutually exclusive and not mutually exclusive events, let’s look at some examples.
8 Understanding Mutually Exclusive (and Not Mutually Exclusive) Events Consider a poll of 1,000 voters in 25 precincts across the country during the 2008 presidential election, which provided the following:
9 Understanding Mutually Exclusive (and Not Mutually Exclusive) Events Suppose one voter is selected at random from the 1,000 voters summarized in the table. Consider the two events “The voter selected voted for McCain” and “The voter selected voted for Obama.” In order for the event “the selected voter voted for McCain” to occur, the selected voter must be 1 of the 510 voters listed in the “Number for McCain” column. In order for the event “the selected voter voted for Obama” to occur, the voter selected must be 1 of the 477 voters listed in the “Number for Obama” column.
10 Understanding Mutually Exclusive (and Not Mutually Exclusive) Events Because no voter listed in the McCain column is also listed in the Obama column and because no voter listed in the Obama column is also listed in the McCain column, these two events are mutually exclusive. In equation form: P (voted for McCain and voted for Obama) = 0. Now, let’s look at the same situation but from a different angle to understand not mutually exclusive events.
11 Understanding Mutually Exclusive (and Not Mutually Exclusive) Events Consider the same poll of 1,000 voters in 25 precincts across the country during the 2008 presidential election, which provided the following:
12 Understanding Mutually Exclusive (and Not Mutually Exclusive) Events Suppose one voter is selected at random from the 1,000 voters summarized in the table. Consider the two events “The voter selected voted for McCain” and “The voter selected had some college education.” In order for the event “the selected voter voted for McCain” to occur, the voter selected must be 1 of the 510 voters listed in the “Number for McCain” column.
13 Understanding Mutually Exclusive (and Not Mutually Exclusive) Events In order for the event “the selected voter had some college education” to occur, the selected voter must be 1 of the 320 voters listed in the “Some college” row. Because the 172 voters shown in the intersection of the “Number for McCain” column and the “Some college” row belong to both of the events (“the selected voter voted for McCain” and “the selected voter had some college education”), these two events are NOT mutually exclusive.
14 Understanding Mutually Exclusive (and Not Mutually Exclusive) Events In equation form: P (voted for McCain and some college education) = 172/1000 = 0.172, which is not equal to zero. If you’re having trouble visualizing these concepts in terms of politics, consider drawing one card from a regular deck of playing cards and the two events “card drawn is a queen” and “card drawn is an ace.”
15 Understanding Mutually Exclusive (and Not Mutually Exclusive) Events The deck is to be shuffled and one card randomly drawn. In order for the event “card drawn is a queen” to occur, the card drawn must be one of the four queens: queen of hearts, queen of diamonds, queen of spades, or queen of clubs. In order for the event “card drawn is an ace” to occur, the card drawn must be one of the four aces: ace of hearts, ace of diamonds, ace of spades, or ace of clubs. Notice that there is no card that is both a queen and an ace. Therefore, these two events, “card drawn is a queen” and “card drawn is an ace,” are mutually exclusive events.
16 Understanding Mutually Exclusive (and Not Mutually Exclusive) Events In equation form: P (queen and ace) = 0. Similarly, we can demonstrate the concept of not mutually exclusive events with the same regular deck of playing cards and the two events “card drawn is a queen” and “card drawn is a heart.” The deck is to be shuffled and one card randomly drawn. Are the events “queen” and “heart” mutually exclusive? The event “card drawn is a queen” is made up of the four queens: queen of hearts, queen of diamonds, queen of spades, and queen of clubs.
17 Understanding Mutually Exclusive (and Not Mutually Exclusive) Events The event “card drawn is a heart” is made up of the 13 hearts: ace of hearts, king of hearts, queen of hearts, jack of hearts, and the other nine hearts. Notice that the “queen of hearts” is on both lists, thereby making it possible for both events “card drawn is a queen” and “card drawn is a heart” to occur simultaneously. This means that when one of these two events occurs, it does not exclude the possibility of the other’s occurrence.
18 Understanding Mutually Exclusive (and Not Mutually Exclusive) Events These events are not mutually exclusive events. In equation form: P (queen and heart) = 1/52, which is not equal to zero.
19 Visual Display and Understanding of Mutually Exclusive Events
20 Visual Display and Understanding of Mutually Exclusive Events How can we visually depict what happens with mutually exclusive events? Consider an experiment in which two dice are rolled. Three events are defined as follows: A: The sum of the numbers on the two dice is 7. B: The sum of the numbers on the two dice is 10. C: Each of the two dice shows the same number.
21 Visual Display and Understanding of Mutually Exclusive Events Let’s determine whether these three events are mutually exclusive. We can show that three events are mutually exclusive by showing that each pair of events is mutually exclusive. Are events A and B mutually exclusive? Yes, they are, because the sum on the two dice cannot be both 7 and 10 at the same time. If a sum of 7 occurs, it is impossible for the sum to be 10.
22 Visual Display and Understanding of Mutually Exclusive Events Figure 4.5 presents the sample space for this experiment. Sample Space for the Roll of Two Dice Figure 4.5
23 Visual Display and Understanding of Mutually Exclusive Events This is the same sample space shown in the chart representation, except that ordered pairs are used in place of the pictures. The ovals, diamonds, and rectangles show the ordered pairs that are in events A, B, and C, respectively. We can see that events A and B do not intersect. Therefore, they are mutually exclusive. Point (5, 5) in Figure 4.5 satisfies both events B and C. Therefore, B and C are not mutually exclusive.
24 Visual Display and Understanding of Mutually Exclusive Events Two dice can each show a 5, which satisfies C, and the total satisfies B. Since we found one pair of events that are not mutually exclusive, events A, B, and C are not mutually exclusive.
25 Special Addition Rule
26 Special Addition Rule The addition rule simplifies when the events involved are mutually exclusive. If we know that two events are mutually exclusive, then by applying P (A and B) = 0 to the addition rule for probabilities, it follows that P (A or B) = P(A) + P (B) – P (A and B) becomes P (A or B) = P (A) + P (B). In other words, when A and B are two mutually exclusive events defined in a sample space S, “the probability of A or B = probability of A + probability of B.”
27 Special Addition Rule This is known as the special addition rule. In basic algebraic terms: P (A or B) = P (A) + P (B) This formula can be expanded to consider more than two mutually exclusive events: P (A or B or C or... or E) = P (A) + P (B) + P (C) P (E) (4.6)
28 Special Addition Rule This equation is often convenient for calculating probabilities, but it does not help us understand the relationship between the events A and B. It is the definition that tells us how we should think about mutually exclusive events. Students who understand mutual exclusiveness this way gain insight into what mutual exclusiveness is all about.
29 Special Addition Rule This should lead you to think more clearly about situations dealing with mutually exclusive events, thereby making you less likely to confuse the concept of mutually exclusive events with independent events or to make other common mistakes regarding the concept of mutual exclusivity. Note 1. Define mutually exclusive events in terms of the sets of elements satisfying the events and test for mutual exclusiveness in that manner.
30 Special Addition Rule 2. Do not use P (A and B) = 0 as the definition of mutually exclusive events. It is a property that results from the definition. It can be used as a test for mutually exclusive events; however, as a statement, it shows no meaning or insight into the concept of mutually exclusive events. 3. In equation form, the definition of mutually exclusive events states: P(A and B) = 0 (Both cannot happen at same time.)
31 Special Addition Rule P(A | B) = 0 and P(B | A) = 0 (If one is known to have occurred, then the other has not.) Reconsider our mutually exclusive card event, with the two events “card drawn is a queen” and “card drawn is an ace” when drawing exactly one card from a deck of regular playing cards. The one card drawn is a queen, or the one card drawn is an ace.
32 Special Addition Rule That one card cannot be both a queen and an ace at the same time, thereby making these two events mutually exclusive. The special addition rule therefore applies to the situation of finding P (queen or ace). P (queen or ace) = P (queen) + P (ace)