Lessons Learned Leading Lifecycles CDP District March 26, 2011
1. Pastor not in his/her A-game
Everyone has an A game You have to Understand where you ROLE in the Lifecycle
The Church as a Body Paul repeatedly refers to the church as the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians RomansEphesiansColossians 4
The Health of a Body Our Health can be measured if various ways. PhysicallyEmotionallyRelationallySpirituallyFinancially Every body has facets of both health and un-health The question is which predominates? Your health is a continuum, so is that of the church 5
Four dimensions that measure church health: V - Vision R - Relationships M - Ministries S – Structure 6
Living Organism experience lifecycles (Biological/Sociological) People have multiple lifecycles Growing up years (0—25) Maturing years (25—50) Wisdom years (50-75) Afterglow years (75+) Churches can also have multiple lifecycles Every years 7
8 R V m s
9 S M r v
Life Cycle of a Church Maturity Birth Childhood Adolescence Empty Nest Old Age Death Structure Vision Relationships Ministries Vision Relationships Vision Relationships Ministries Structure Vision……………Where are we going? Relationships…….Who is going with us? Ministry………….How do we get there? Structure………….What do we control? Vision Relationships Ministries Structure Ministries Structure
11 Birth Death To launch a new life cycle It takes Catalytic leaders (D & I) Organizers (S & C) are needed to sustain it
Lifecycles influence Leadership behaviors Lifecycles influence Leadership behaviors 12 Maturity Death iSCDi CD D i D CDi S SC SC i CS Birth
Everyone has an A game You have to recognize your CAPACITY of leadership
Three types of Leaders 10-15%75-80%10-15% 33 % 67 % 33 % 67 % Natural ResourcedCoached 100%
Everyone has an A game You have to appreciate your SCOPE of leadership
Everyone has an A game Logistical focus on the leadership decisions of how do we get the resources to the soldiers in the battle; specifically how do we keep the warriors supplied, informed and encouraged
Everyone has an A game Tactical Leaders: focus on leadership decisions of how to win the battles; what plans must be executed to overcome the enemy in a specific arena
Everyone has an A game Strategic Leaders : focus on the leadership decisions of how to win the war. The emphasis is on deciding which battles are next to be fought; on what fronts do we focus our resources
Everyone has an A game Single Cell Churches (0—200) need logistically gifted leaders Stretched Cell Churches ( ) need tactically gifted leaders As well as logistically gifted leaders Multi Cell Churches (400+) need strategically gifted leaders As well as tactical & logistical leaders
2. Pastor does not operate in a team
The Lone Ranger
The Boss
Multiple Staff Silos
Team Model of Church Leadership Ephesians 4: 11 It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, 12 to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
Five Roles in Leadership ApostlesProphetsEvangelistsShepherdsTeachers
Where have the APE’s gone? America for the last 200 years was predominantly a Christian Culture Within a Christian Culture only two are needed ShepherdsTeachers But now we live in a post-Christian world
Apostles Extend the Gospel—The “sent ones” Transmit across cultures Generational People who don’t know Christ Spiritual Entrepreneurs Cultural Architects They need Shepherds and Teachers
Prophets Know God’s will Speak the truth of correction and challenge ProvocateursQuestioners They question the status quo They need the team or will be killed
Evangelists Recruiters Effectively communicate the Gospel Call for personal response to Christ’s redemption on the cross Marketers Very focused on the lost Need teachers
Shepherds Nurture and protect Caregivers of the community Cultivate a network of loving and spiritually mature relationships Value Stability Humanizers Can foster co-dependent relationships so they need APE’s
Teachers Understand and explain God’s wisdom and truth in a way that people grow close to Christ Help the community to remain faithful to Christ Without the APE’s can become dogmatic or dry intellectualists
3. Pastor is not growing spiritually or in leadership skills
4. Pastor/leaders too far out front
5. Pastor has low EQ
How to measure you EQ Understand your own emotions Manage your own emotions Understand others emotions Manage others emotions in relationships
6. Myopic Reaching
Relationships 5 types of people in the congregation 1 Thessalonians VIP…those who work hard-verse VTP…those who are timid-verse 14 VNP…with everyone else-verse 14 VHP…those who are weak-verse 14 VDP…those who are idle-verse 14
Relationships VIP…those who work hard Respect VTP…those who are timid Encourage VNP…with everyone else Patient VHP…those who are weak Help VDP…those who are idle Warn
Relationships: VIP-Very Important People They do the work They actively support the work ($) They are leaders & non leaders All are consistent and dependable They support leaders You must spend time to respect and honor these valuable people
Relationships: VTP-very teachable people They have full potential to do the work They are growing They can be leaders with training Willing to sacrifice to growth Capable of being apprentice in ministry You must spend time to encourage or teach these people
Relationships: VNP-Very Nice People Avoid the work Not willing to go out of comfort zone Comfort is their lid Give small amount to ministry Fill up space until crisis You must be patient to keep relationship open until crises opens their life
Relationships: VHP-Very Hurting People They have needs They bring a lot of baggage They are willing to work on issues They respond to wholeness You must provide help through resources or counseling to bring order and healing
Relationships: VDP-Very Draining People They are the work They will suck leadership dry They use excuses for lack of progress They never honor boundaries Viet Cong You must warn them or test to see if they will get help 1 Timothy 3.10