2 Types of Power 1. Legitimate (authentic right) 2. Reward (control of valuable rewards) 3. Coercive (control over punishments) 4. Expert (based on job knowledge) 5. Referent (based on loyalty to leader) 6. Subordinate (power exerted upward)
3 Influence Tactics 1. Leading by example 2. Leading by values 3. Assertiveness 4. Rationalilty (appealing to logic and reason) 5. Ingratiation 6. Exchange of favors 7. Coalition formation (strength in numbers) 8. Joking and kidding
4 Leadership Characteristics and Traits 1. Drive and passion 2. Power motive 3. Self-confidence with humility 4. Trustworthiness and honesty 5. Intelligence, knowledge, and technical competence 6. Sense of humor 7. Emotional intelligence
5 Behaviors and Skills of Effective Leaders 1. Adaptability to the situation 2. Direction and high work standards 3. Visible and maintains social presence 4. Emotional support to group members 5. Gives frequent feedback; accepts it 6. Recovers quickly from setbacks 7. Plays the role of servant leader
6 Leadership Styles Participative (consultative, consensus, or democratic) Autocratic (retains most of authority) Leadership Grid® (seven combinations of concern for results and people) Ideal Grid position is sound leader who contributes and commits. Opportunistic leader exploits and manipulates.
7 Situational Leadership®II Matches leadership style to level of commitment and competence of group members on given task. Leadership depends on supporting and directing behaviors, with four styles: S1—Directing S2—Coaching S3—SupportingS4—Delegating Delegating style is best for self-reliant achiever 32 41
8 Entrepreneurial Style Leader Strong achievement drive (takes responsibility and moderate risks) High enthusiasm, creativity, and visionary perspective Uncomfortable with hierarchy and bureaucracy
9 Transformational Leadership Helps organization and people make positive changes Transformations take place in one or more of three ways: a. Awareness of value of rewards b. Gets people to look beyond self- interest c. Gets people to focus on self-fulfillment
10 Qualities of Charismatic Leader 1. Vision (exciting image of future) 2. Masterful communication style 3. Inspires trust 4. Energy and action orientation 5. Inspiring leadership (emotionally arouses people)
11 How to Develop Charisma 1. Use visioning. 2. Make frequent use of metaphors. 3. Inspire trust and confidence. 4. Be energetic and goal oriented. 5. Smile frequently. 6. Make people you meet feel important. 7. Have an effective handshake. 8. Project self-confidence nonverbally.
12 The Leader as Mentor and Coach Mentor is more experienced than the person who is helped to grow. Coaching focuses more on performance. Mentor is trusted counselor and guide. Helps protégé solve problems. Shadowing is directly observing work activities of mentor.
13 Leadership Skills Leadership involves many skills, such as: Technical and interpersonal Sizing up situations Exerting influence Motivating team members Resolving conflict Solving problems