2 نقشهاي مختلف پرستاردر عرصه بهداشت ودرمان: 1- نقش مراقبتي 2-نقش محافطتي 3- نقش درماني 4- نقش حمايت كننده 5- نقش هماهنگ كننده 6-نقش آموزشي
E-NOOHI3 Teacher / Counselor یکی از نقشهای اصلی پرستار: آموزش مددجویان است
E-NOOHI4 communicator Manager Researcher Advocate Decision maker Care Giver Comforter Teacher/Counselor Roles of Nursing:
E-NOOHI5 اصول آموزش بيمار
6 Patient teaching
E-NOOHI7 ا هداف مهم آموزش بيمار: 1-حفط سلامتي و پيشگيري از بيماري 2-اعاده سلامتي 3- سازگاري با ناتواني و عوارض بيماري 4- بهبود كيفيت مراقبت 5- تداوم مراقبت در بيمارستان و جامعه 6- تشويق بيمار به پذيرش مسئوليت بيشتر براي بهبود وضعيت سلامتي خود
E-NOOHI8 سه هدف مهم آموزش بیمار 1- حفظ سلامتی و پیشگیری از بیماری (پیشگیری نوع اول) Health Maintenance 2- اعاده سلامتی (پیشگیری نوع دوم ) Restoration of Health 3- سازگاری با ناتوانی ها و عوارض بیماری(پیشگیری نوع سوم ) Coping with impaired function
E-NOOHI9 Goals of patient education: Health maintenance and illness prevention Restoration of Health Coping with impaired function
E-NOOHI10 Categories of learning Domain: Cognitive Domain Psychomotor Domain Affective Domain
E-NOOHI11 comparison of the Nursing process and the teaching Activities Nursing Basic Steps: 1-Assessment 1-Assessment 2-Diagnosis 2-Diagnosis3-planing 4-Implementation 4-Implementation 5-Evaluation 5-Evaluation
E-NOOHI12 Basic Steps teaching Activities Nursing 1-Assessment 1-Assessment 2-Diagnosis 2-Diagnosis3-planing4-Implementation5-Evaluation :
E-NOOHI13 Patient teaching process: 1- Assessment: Identify Ability to learn, willingness to learn. Nursing history, clients learning needs 2- Diagnosis: Identify clients learning needs on the basis Of the three domains of learning 3- Planning: Establish learning objectives, …… 4-implementation: -implement teaching methods, … 5-Evaluation:Determine outcomes of teaching learning process,..
E-NOOHI14 آموزش بیمار: تجربه یادگیری از قبل طراحی شده ای است که در آن ترکیبی از روشهای مختلف یاددادن ، مشاوره ، تکنیکهای اصلاح رفتار بکار گرفته می شود که بر روی دانش و رفتارهای بهداشتی بیمار اثر می گذارد و فرایند متقابلی است که به شرکت فعال بیماران در مراقبت از خودکمک میکند
E-NOOHI15 Assessment Identify the client's learning needs willingness to learn, ability to learn and teaching resources,sources of data are the client. resources,sources of data are the client. Family, learning environment. Family, learning environment. Medical record, nursing history, and literature.
E-NOOHI16 در مرحله بررسی: اصول اساسی یادگیری Basic learning principles اصول آمادگی برای یادگیری the reading to learn توانایی یادگیری The ability to learn
E-NOOHI17 Diagnosis Identify client's, learning needs on the basis of the three domains of learning Establish Establish (Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor)
E-NOOHI18 EXAMPES OF NURSING DIAGNOSES RELATED TO CLIENTS LEARNING NEEDS NANDA – APPROVED NURSING DIAGOSES. Knowledge deficit: Cognitive, related to newly Diagnosed disease Newly prescribed therapy Poor understanding of therapies. Knowledge deficit: affective. Related to: Altered affective Knowledge. Impaired social interaction Misunderstanding of prognosis Knowledge deficit :Psychomotor,related to: Need for crutch Walking Need to learn self – injections Alteration in health maintenance related to: Lack of fine motor skills ADDITIONAL Nursing DIAGNOSIS Reduced attention span related to: FatiguePain
E-NOOHI19 Teaching and Learning Potential LEARNING PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH INTELLECTUAL SKILLS Math calculation. Computing drug dosages : Measuring liquid or solid food allotment Reading a thermometer or syringe calibration Reading directors and instructions In teaching booklets and in medication Labs. Problem Solving.Leaning how to regulate insulin dosages on the basis of sings and symptoms. Comprehension and Application. Understanding physical restrictions imposed by illness: Following direction s in performing self – care in accordance With limitations
E-NOOHI20 Topics for health teaching Health promotion /Illness prevention First aid Avoidance of risk factors: smoking, alcohol Growth and development Hygiene Immunizations Normal childbearing Nutrition Exercise Safety (in home and hospital)
E-NOOHI21 Restoration of Heath Clients disease or and physiology of body system and physiology of body system of of of of effects on other body effects on other
E-NOOHI22 Rational for treatment and therapies
E-NOOHI23 Restoration of Health Rational of Nursing Nursing intervention Expected duration of care Hospital/Clinic environment Hospital/Clinic staff Methods for client participation
E-NOOHI24 Coping With Impaired Function Home care devices
E-NOOHI25 Rehabilitation of remaining function Physical therapy Occupational therapy
E-NOOHI26 Prevention of Complications Knowledge of risk factors Implication of noncompliance with therapy
E-NOOHI27 Planning Teaching plan. learning objectives stated in behavioral terms.identify priorities identify type of teaching method to use
E-NOOHI28 Plan Table GIO : Evaluation Out come MediaMethodTeachingTimeKAPSOB Educational Needs Nurse educator: Patient & Family
E-NOOHI29 SUMMERY OUTLINE 1- GIO 1- GIO 2- SOB 2- SOB Performance Objectives Performance Objectives
E-NOOHI30 MEDIA SELECTION Visual Format Audio Format Audiovisual or MultiMedia Audiovisual or MultiMedia
E-NOOHI31 Implementation Implement teaching methods. Actively Involve client in learning activates Actively Involve client in learning activates Include family participation as apron desired outcomes of nursing care desired outcomes of nursing care
E-NOOHI32 Evaluation Determine outcomes of teaching& learning process.Measure client's ability
E-NOOHI33 Evaluation Methods 1- indirect observation Oral Exam True - False 2- Direct observation
E-NOOHI34 بررسی عوامل موثر بر یادگیری رشد وتکامل سطح تحصیلات تجربیات گذشته وضع جسمانی بیمار سلامت حواس پنجگانه سلامت خلقی ثبات اجتمایی اقتصادی مسئولیت پذیری بیمار تصور ذهنی فرد از جسم خود علاقه به یادگیری انگیزه یادگیری زمینه فرهنگی مهارت برقراری ارتباط زبان
E-NOOHI35 آمادگی ذهنی Mental readiness آمادگ جسمانی readiness Physical آمادگی عاطفی Affective readiness آمادگی تجربی Experimental readiness
E-NOOHI36 What are cognitive levels? Cognitive levels describe the extent and depth of knowledge. Perhaps the most well-known description is Bloom’s Taxonomy of 6 Cognitive Levels: 1. Knowledge 2. Comprehension 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation
E-NOOHI37 Cognitive Domain اطلاعات و دانش نظري است كه انتظار ميرود در طول برنامة درسي يادگيرنده كسب نمايد. حيطة شناختي داراي 6 طبقه است كه از ساده به مشكل تغيير ميكند Knowledge comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
E-NOOHI39 Affective Domain مربوط به اهدافي است كه سبب تغيير نگرش ويا تعيير تفكر ميشود. بطور كلي اين حيطه ارزشها را در بر دارد. ٌ Receiving Responding Valuing Organizing Characterization
E-NOOHI40 Psychomotor Domain توانمندي عملي ومهارتي است كه يادگيرنده كسب مي كند. Readiness Independent Performance Acceleration & Accuracy Coordination of Action Normality
E-NOOHI41 Basic Steps Nursing process 1-Assessment 1-Assessment 2-Diagnosis 2-Diagnosis3-planing4-Implementation5-Evaluation
E-NOOHI42 Assessment identify the clients physical,psychosocial client's identify the Ecological, social, cultural Potential And spiritual needs Sources of data are the client, Family.diagnostic tests,medical Record, Nursing history, and literature
E-NOOHI43 Diagnosis Identify appropriate nursing – Diagnoses
E-NOOHI44 Planning Develop an individualized plan of Care. set diagnosis priorities on The basis of client's immediate Needs. Nurse and client collator- rate on plan of care Nurse and client collator- rate on plan of care
E-NOOHI45 Implementation perform nursing care therapies In – Clued client as an active portico Pant in care. Involve family in client's care as meeting desired outcomes of nursing care
E-NOOHI46 Evaluation desired outcomes of nursing care