Pacific Islands Network of Nurse Education Directors (PINNED) UOG Northern Marianas College (NMC) Palau Community College American Samoa Nursing Program College of Micronesis - Pohnpei College of the Marshall Islands (CMI)
University of Guam Health Screening on campus and in the community NCD instruction with teaching activities as part of nursing courses Exercise/Health promotion elective courses Nutrition courses Public Administration & Disease Management Public Health course in January
NMC - CNMI A number of PE courses Personal Health course Health & Wellness course Nutrition & Health course required for nursing majors using the nursing process
Palau Community College (PCC) In our NU Patient/Family Health Education course, students have opportunity to assess/identify health learning needs regarding NCDs in their chosen client(s) and do teachings to both clients/family. Students also participate in the screening process with the public health nurses during their rotation to Well Baby Clinic.
FSM New program Students participate in Health Screening with Public Health nurses and staff
RMI Students participate with school nurse and public health nurse in screening on campus and in the community Health & Wellness course, an elective course open to all enrolled students Health Promotion & Disease Prevention course, an elective course for all enrolled students – new course