Rapid Fire Team Presentation Template Julie McMillan:
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Name of Organization: Extendicare VanDaele Location of Facility: Sault Ste. Marie Number of Patients/Residents/Clients: LTC Residents, 12 Convalescents, 2 Respites Who We Are
Falls Facilitated Learning Series AIM From your Team Charter To provide an interdisciplinary approach to the management of falls To reduce the numbers and severity of falls To develop and deliver education to staff, residents and families on falls prevention and management
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Team Members From Your Team Role/Responsibility Lorena MacJanet Director of Care Julie McMillan – Lead Elena Burt – Resident Program Manager Stephanie Burt – Restorative Care Lead Paula Rouleau – Charge Nurse Brandy Danrath – Charge Nurse Kirsten Fargo – Dietician Debbie Decker – Tena Rep Andrea Aubertin – Dietary Manager
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Review Falls Change Ideas tested to date in your organization Changes Implemented within Organization Working/Not WorkingFacilitators/Barriers identified Redevelopment of Falls committee Working – committee meeting quarterly Completion of Post falls assessment after each fall by the Charge RN !00 % Completion Education of Registered staff to use the post falls assessment to identify triggers Still working with the staff to ensure that care plans are specific
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Measures We have noted that our number of falls have been fluctuating and we are not consistently meet our 40% target the severity of injuries have decreased.
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Lessons Learned on Sustaining Falls Improvement Work during Action Period What advice would you give to other teams? Take it slow and do not get discouraged What are your key insights?
Falls Facilitated Learning Series What were some barriers? Time restraints and manpower availability. We have many teams functioning to maintain compliance with the MOHLTC regulations but many of the staff are members of more than one team. What are some facilitators? Administrative buy in and support How do you propose to move forward? We will be continuing to move forward following of first PDSA Cycle as we had identified that it would take 6 months to see positive consistent changes Challenges to Sustaining Falls Improvement
Falls Facilitated Learning Series 6 Month Post FFLS Sustainability Plans for Falls Improvement Work Goal Description (What is AIM) Action (What STEPS are to be taken to achieve) Timeframe (When to be done by) Person Responsible Metrics: What is to be monitored to identify achievement Identification of those residents who are frequent fallers Purchase of identification bracelets to identify which residents are frequent fallers End of March 2012Julie McMillan Purchase of more equipment such as: Hip Protectors, Smart cells cushion flooring mats for the bedside of frequent fallers, slipper socks On going purchase of necessary equipment as required Ongoing Julie McMillan Elena Burt Severity of injury
Falls Facilitated Learning Series 6 Month Post FFLS Sustainability Plan (continued) Goal Description (What is AIM) Action (What STEPS are to be taken to achieve) Timeframe (When to be done by) Person Responsible Metrics: What is to be monitored to identify achievement Education of staff regarding falls prevention New video purchase Ongoing education of Registered staff regarding specific interventions which address triggers Discussion at Nurse Quality Meetings Continued auditing of care plans End of March and ongoing Lorena MacJanet Julie McMillan Charge Nurses
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Name:Julie McMillan Phone Number: Contact Information