G.Barrand, LAL-Orsay OpenScientist Status (v11) Relationship with AIDA


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Presentation transcript:

G.Barrand, LAL-Orsay OpenScientist Status (v11) Relationship with AIDA

G.Barrand, LAL-Orsay v11r0 : code available now. OpenScientist / Lab package is now AIDA-3.1 compliant. Big effort to pass from 2.2 to 3.1. IProfile1D, IProfile2D, IDataPointSet are here. Fitting migrated to the 3.1 interfaces, but clearly not compleete yet. Around management : copy for exa are not here yet. OpenScientist-11 / AIDA-3.1

G.Barrand, LAL-Orsay Rio (v4r0) : a light and clean rewrting of the ROOT IO. 10 klines of code (against 200klines with ROOT/Core) to write/read an histo. Abstract interfaces (Rio::IObject, IClass, IDirectory, IFile, etc…) (Able to read LHCb data with it (GaudiRioDb)). Protect the io (tobuf, IBuffer) without doing carpet hiding (using exception). Etc… OpenScientist-11 / Rio-4.0

G.Barrand, LAL-Orsay Read ROOT files with TH[1,2]. But do no write the Lab histos as TH (since AIDA histos are more rich that the TH (handling of entries per bin for example)). Able to convert hbook files (h1d, h2d, rowwise ntuples) to Lab rio/root files. A MySQL driver had been introduced : able to read histos stored with FreeHEP. But fare from being compleete. AIDA / XML : no progress yet. OpenScientist-11 / Persistency

G.Barrand, LAL-Orsay Improvement of the GUI. – GUI constructed from an XML description. –Tab stack, toolbar, tooltips, icon on buttons, user popup menu on the Inventor viewer. –All that on the four toolkits Windows, OpenMotif, gtk+, Qt. –(Be able to save back the GUI description) InventorViewer : elastic rectangular draggable box : –Viewing mode : zoom. –Picking mode : collect objects. gl2ps : plots and 3D graphics. (GUI organization very similar to jas3 !!!) OpenScientist-11 / GUI, graphic

G.Barrand, LAL-Orsay Geant4/examples/extended/analysis/AnaEx01 updated to AIDA-3.x. OpenScientist / G4Lab, G4LabSimple exa improved. A G4UIOnX exists now (similar to the other G4UIs : G4UIterminal, G4UIXm, G4UIWin32, etc…) but needs DLLs on Windows for Geant4 ! A package cloner facility exists to easily create its own “G4Lab”. OpenScientist-11 / Geant4

G.Barrand, LAL-Orsay OnX (Coin, HEPVis) used to construct the Panoramix event display. Lab : available in the same interactive environment. Gaudi / SoStat package : to plot the Gaudi AIDA::IHistograms with HEPVis/SoPlotter in a GUI constructed with OnX. Connection done with DaVinci (the project to handle physic analysis software for LHCb). OpenScientist-v11 / LHCb

G.Barrand, LAL-Orsay Huge progress in all parts. But fare from completion…(assuming that an analysis system if ever compleete). (Man power expected in autumn !) OpenScientist / Conclusions

G.Barrand, LAL-Orsay AIDA Answer to people that are fanatic of the project.

G.Barrand, LAL-Orsay Demo with OpenScientist / Lab implementation. Sorry Rene, you are no more the only one in this universe, to book, fill, plot and store histos. And some do it with a fare better architecture and implementation than yours (at least without some TClass::Draw, etc…). To Rene Brun (ALICE) : it does not work

G.Barrand, LAL-Orsay Comparison of a “main” to book, fill, plot, store with AIDA and with Gaudi : AIDA (see tutorial AIDA example). Gaudi (see GaudiExamples histogramming). Pere (as plenty of people at CERN) confuses simplicity with naivety. Is it possible to design a flexible and evolutive framework simple for physicist AND software engineerers ??? To Pere Mato (LHCb) : it is too naive

G.Barrand, LAL-Orsay LCG / PI introduces a new partial implementation. Why partial ? Because the AIDA::IFactories, ITree are discarded (along the IPlotter ?).(How users will plot, store ?) Clearly (like for Anaphe choices) LAL and SLAC implementation will not be taken into account. Is PI::AIDA going to be one more selfish CERNery ? But Vincenzo (representing the LCG executive ?), at least, had decided to be at the workshop…. Vincenzo Innocente (CMS)

G.Barrand, LAL-Orsay ATLAS ????

G.Barrand, LAL-Orsay “all day” work of improving the interfaces. Some dirty linen washing with CERN. –Avoid CERN demolishing what had been achieved so fare. What I expect from this workshop

G.Barrand, LAL-Orsay Priorities : –Have a more compleete implementation. –Integration within LHCb (see Thursday). –Interoperate with other implementations. Not priorities : –Bear a new partial implementation. My priorities / My not priorities