Worker Compensation Workplace accidents can be very distressing and can have an effect on a worker both physically and mentally. There are many different types of accidents that can occur in the workplace, which are usually the result of poor safety standards and procedures, employees not receiving adequate job training or lack of job supervision from management.
Common Injuries The most common injuries that are caused from workplace accidents include injuries to the head, neck and back, lower limb injuries, fractures and sprains and industrial deafness. In addition, work accidents may also involve mental and psychological injuries such as post traumatic stress disorder. Overall, the type of injury that can occur will depend on the severity and type of work accident involved.
suffered an injury If you have suffered an injury, harm or loss as the result of a workplace accident, then you are entitled to make a claim for compensation. The purpose of compensation is to cover any physical injuries, medical costs, loss of income from time off work or future economic loss as the result of the workplace accident.
Negligence & Work Safety
Suffering from an injury
Work Accidents Compensation
Injured on the Job
Construction accidents involving scaffolding There are specific duties imposed on employers and any one in control of the construction and use of scaffolding and working platforms to ensure workers safety. Employers and any one in control of the construction and use of scaffolding and working platforms has a duty to ensure that the scaffolding is properly constructed and all protective safeguards in terms of the Work at Height Regulations 2005 (as amended) are in place. Employers and any one in control of the construction and use of scaffolding and working platforms must make sure the scaffolding and or working platform is inspected every seven days or after any event, which may have affected its strength or stability whenever there is a risk that a person could fall 2 meters or more.
Barn Fire Tactics & Strategies/Equine Emergencies Every year in the United States approximately 4500 barn fires occur and even higher numbers of barn and horse accidents. The number one solution is being trained and prepared to handle an accident or fire with a horse or other large animal. It is estimated that less then 10% of the emergency workers across the country have ever handled a horse and even less have been trained to handle a horse in an emergency situation. Our specialized courses feature live horses with live smoke in real life barn fire and emergency situations. In addition, we have designed classes for the equine owner, equine judges and technical stewards in dealing with horse and carriage driving accidents, developing an accident preparedness plan and overall safety on the show ground.
Burglary They take turns each year visiting the different directions. That is about as fair as they get. As their name suggest, they bring with them loss through theft, burglary, robbery, injury, accidents, sicknesses and even the most fearsome, death.