Pedagogical choices at each stage RUFO 17, 18 th december 2005 Marie-José Barbot Université de Lille III
NIET, Albireh, 17/12/05 Marie-José Barbot Outline 1. A key challenge : how best to exploit of IC Prerequisites, the obstacles to overcome 2. The writing and selection of resources 3. Access to resources : going beyond the lecture hall to new divisions of space and time 4. The diversity of teaching practises 5. Going beyond teaching, follow up and interactions
NIET, Albireh, 17/12/05 Marie-José Barbot I. 1/3 Challenge : educational outcomes Tackling the crisis situation in education : developping the student’responsability in the learning processes, degrees of independent learning, paradigmal shift Diversification of the various forms of learning according to the curriculum and contexts, hybrid model Enriching the current forms of learning while remaining within the instructive model
NIET, Albireh, 17/12/05 Marie-José Barbot 1. 2/3. Challenge : an original formation to create Lost of the 3 unities of action, time and space End of simultaneity between teaching and learning enseigner et apprendre Imperative to rebuild (disegno) : to design virtual learning environment VLE
NIET, Albireh, 17/12/05 Marie-José Barbot 1. 3/3. Challenge : a new role for teacher Using technologies to enhance : - access to learning objects - new form of mediation - With the tutor - With peers
NIET, Albireh, 17/12/05 Marie-José Barbot 2. 2./1 Prerequisites, obstacles to overcome… by students Which learning objectives ? An objective : Learning something : law, chemistry … but also two objectives tied (indissociable) with the first one The ability to learn : Person Knowledge and Learning Knowledge The ability to use technology : sémio pragmatic capacity Cf. studies related to drop-out in distance education, Garland 1093 : selection among those most capable. The danger of widening the gap between those who know how to learn and how to learn on-line and the others
NIET, Albireh, 17/12/05 Marie-José Barbot Prerequisites, obstacles to overcome… by those involved in education Tensions which must be understood Choices which require explanation and negociation Pédagogues: intra disciplinary tensions Pédagogy et épistémology Technologies ‘staff : Tensions caused by industrialisation Logique technical logistics and profitability,
NIET, Albireh, 17/12/05 Marie-José Barbot Pedagogues and « médiatisateurs » : necessary feed-back and openness
NIET, Albireh, 17/12/05 Marie-José Barbot 3. 1/2. Materials writing and the creation of scenario : readablity, visibility, and ease of use Specificities of multimedias and linking this to specific learning objectives A common set of rules and scenarios Criteria related to didactic coherence division, sequence, evaluation
NIET, Albireh, 17/12/05 Marie-José Barbot 3. 2/2 What types of on-line correction should we choose ? What types of interactions ?
NIET, Albireh, 17/12/05 Marie-José Barbot 4. Going beyond the lecture hall to new divisions of space and time ? Accessibility : space and time Convivality, aesthétics and motivation Adaptativity and relevance
NIET, Albireh, 17/12/05 Marie-José Barbot 5. The diversity of teaching practises synchronous illustration by the teacher during the lecture complementary, prescribed, synchronous et in the presence of teacher for applied knowledge prescribed asynchronous, partial replacement and more or less supervised « independant learning » prescribed asynchronous, total replacement and supervision, « project-based « learning, «(Boutinet 1990) « independant learning » prescribed asynchronous replacement distance learning with fixed objectives related to the students advised program Free learning
NIET, Albireh, 17/12/05 Marie-José Barbot 6. ½ Scaffolding and learning : Piaget, Vigotsky, Rogers & Bruner Learning is based on the real world and authentic experiences It requires social negociations and mediation Contents and tasks should be related to the potential of the student Contents and tasks should call on previous knowledge (proximal zone of develpment) Cf. P. Doolittle (1999)
NIET, Albireh, 17/12/05 Marie-José Barbot 6. 1/3 Going beyond teaching, follow up and interactions « mediatisation » interacts with mediation The interventions of the teacher Interactions with peers
NIET, Albireh, 17/12/05 Marie-José Barbot 6. 2/3 Follow up and interactions Students are assessed in a formative style Students should be encouraged to corredct themselves, asssess themselves and develop their autonomy The teachers act as guides not as instructors The teachers provide multiple perspectives and representations of course content
NIET, Albireh, 17/12/05 Marie-José Barbot 6. 3/3 Follow up leading to autonomy :from face to face learning to on-line scenarios » Triple role:metodological, pyshological and For the learner the virtual learnbing environment VLE is a complete unit. Danger separating ressources et suivi, « produit » et « service » Eviter la parcellisation des tâches et le découpage des fonctions mais non la spécialisation Attitude d’écoute et non de commande. Ethique de la responsabilité et de la retenue.