GEC3www.geni.net1 GENI Spiral 1 Control Frameworks Global Environment for Network Innovations Aaron Falk Clearing house for all GENI news and documents
wiki, slides, working group info: GEC3www.geni.net2
Goals for this talk Review System Decomposition & Control Framework Brief overview of the Spiral 1 Control Framework Clusters What do I have to do to integrate into a control framework cluster?
Goals for this talk Review System Decomposition & Control Framework Brief overview of the Spiral 1 Control Framework Clusters What do I have to do to integrate into a control framework cluster?
Control Framework Functions Resource allocation –w/ local policy, secure authorization Slice management & control Logging for forensics & accounting GEC3www.geni.net5
GENI System Decomposition GEC3www.geni.net6 Keep in mind: this is a snapshot of a work-in- progress. Expect it to change. Tell us what’s wrong with it.
Clearinghouse Federation
Goals for this talk Review System Decomposition & Control Framework Brief overview of the Spiral 1 Control Framework Clusters What do I have to do to integrate into a control framework cluster?
GENI’s Critical Technical Risks These risks drive the Prototyping Goals for GENI Spiral 1 GEC3www.geni.net10 GENI Clearinghouse Components Aggregate A Computer Cluster Components Aggregate B Backbone Net Components Aggregate C Metro Wireless Create my slice Critical Risk #1 Clearinghouse & control framework is central but never demonstrated Critical Risk #1 Clearinghouse & control framework is central but never demonstrated Critical Risk #2 End-to-end slices across multiple technologies have never been demonstrated Critical Risk #2 End-to-end slices across multiple technologies have never been demonstrated
Key Goals for GENI Spiral 1 Drive down the critical technical risks in GENI’s concept GEC3www.geni.net11 GENI Clearinghouse Components Aggregate A Computer Cluster Components Aggregate B Backbone Net Components Aggregate C Metro Wireless Create my slice Goal #1 Fund multiple, competing teams to develop GENI Clearinghouse technology, encourage strong competition within the first few spirals Goal #1 Fund multiple, competing teams to develop GENI Clearinghouse technology, encourage strong competition within the first few spirals Goal #2 Demonstrate end-to-end slices across representative samples of the major substrates / technologies envisioned in GENI; Spiral 1 employs VLANs as “low hanging fruit” Goal #2 Demonstrate end-to-end slices across representative samples of the major substrates / technologies envisioned in GENI; Spiral 1 employs VLANs as “low hanging fruit”
Components Aggregate A Computer Cluster Components Aggregate B Backbone Net Components Aggregate C Metro Wireless Reference Design Spiral 1 integration and trial operations Five competing control frameworks, wide variety of substrates Components Aggregate A1 Computer Cluster Components Aggregate A2 Optical Network Components Aggregate A3 Metro Wireless Cluster A Components Aggregate B1 Optical Network Components Aggregate B2 Sensor Network Cluster B Components Aggregate C1 Computer Cluster Components Aggregate C2 Programmable Switches Cluster C Components Aggregate D1 Optical Network Components Aggregate D2 Sensor Network Cluster D Components Aggregate E1 Computer Cluster Components Aggregate E2 Optical Network Components Aggregate E3 Sensor Network Cluster E Components Aggregate E4 Programmable Switches GEC3
Why five control frameworks? The control plane provides a critical capability We don’t yet have agreement on several high- level issues –E.g., Aspects of federation, Identity, centralization vs. distribution of services Implementation experience is really important to inform design choices –We want ‘running code’ GEC3www.geni.net13
Cluster A Integration (uses DETER control framework) DETER Trial Integration –DETER security testbed –Emphasis on federation –Clearinghouse, CM –100+ nodes at ISI, UC Berkley GMOC –Global Research NOC (Indiana) GEC3www.geni.net14www.geni.net14
Cluster B Integration (uses PlanetLab control framework) PlanetLab –Clearinghouse, CM –800+ nodes –VINI (virtual topologies) Enterprise GENI –GENI VLANs on enterprise nets SPP Overlay Nodes –Programmable routers GUSH Tools –Experiment design tools Provisioning Service –Slice & experiment management tools Mid-Atlantic Crossroads –Regional network with VLAN control plane GpENI –Regional network with sliceable optics & routers GMOC GEC3www.geni.net15www.geni.net15
Cluster C Integration (uses ProtoGENI Control Framework) ProtoGENI –Clearinghouse, CM –Emulab resources –(370+ nodes) CMULab –Home Wireless APs –Emulab cluster –Wireless emulation testbed Instrumentation Tools –UK Edulab (compute/store) Measurement System –GIMS prototype Virtual Tunnels –Dynamic tunnel tools –BGP distribution tools GMOC GEC3www.geni.net16www.geni.net16
Cluster D Integration (uses ORCA Control Framework) ORCA/BEN –ORCA resource leasing software –Metro-Scale Optical Testbed (BEN) Sensor/Actuator Network –CASA (radar, video, weather sensors) Kansei Sensor Network –Wireless sensor network arrays –3 federated sites each w/~100 sensor nodes Vehicular Mobile Network –Programmable nodes with radios on city busses GMOC GEC3www.geni.net17www.geni.net17
Cluster E Integration (uses ORBIT control framework) ORBIT –Heterogeneous testbed control, management, & measurement software –WINLAB wireless testbeds resources (400+ sensor nodes) –NICTA (Australia) wireless outdoor traffic testbed WiMAX –Open, programmable WiMAX base station GMOC GEC3www.geni.net18www.geni.net18
GEC3 GENI Spiral 1 Integration: 5 Control Framework Clusters 1578 Overlay Hosting Nodes 1579 ProtoGENI 1595 GpENI 1595 GpENI 1646 CMULab 1609 DETER Trial Integration 1609 DETER Trial Integration 1642 Instrumentation Tools 1613 Enterprise GENI 1600 PlanetLab 1658 Mid-Atlantic Crossroads 1658 Mid-Atlantic Crossroads 1602 Sensor/Actuat or Network 1582 ORCA/BEN 1599 Vehicular Mobile Network 1660 ORBIT Framework 1601 Virtual Tunnels 1657 WIMAX 1657 WIMAX 1663 Digital Object Registry 1663 Digital Object Registry 1633 Kansei Sensor Network 1628 Measurement System 1604 GENI Meta Operations 1643 Programmable Edge Node 1621 GUSH Tools 1622 Provisioning Service 1650 Regional Opt-In 1650 Regional Opt-In 1632 Security Architecture 1645 Million- Node GENI 1610 GENI at 4-Year Colleges 1610 GENI at 4-Year Colleges 1653 Data Plane Measurements Cluster A Cluster ECluster D Cluster CCluster B Key: Projects with active Spiral 1 clearinghouse interfaces STUDY ALL PICK ONE 1631 Embedded Real-time Measurements 1631 Embedded Real-time Measurements 1619 Optical Access Networks 1619 Optical Access Networks Column labels show common control framework
Goals for this talk Review System Decomposition & Control Framework Brief overview of the Spiral 1 Control Framework Clusters What do I have to do to integrate into a control framework cluster?
21 What resources can I use? Components Aggregate A Components Aggregate B Components Aggregate C These GENI Clearinghouse Researcher Resource discovery Aggregates publish resources, schedules, etc., via clearinghouses Early-adopter researcher, not part of the development team Across any substrate combination in the cluster Control plane services developed and operated by cluster anchor project GEC3
GENI Clearinghouse Components Aggregate A Components Aggregate B Components Aggregate C Create my slice Slice creation Clearinghouse checks credentials & enforces policy Aggregates allocate resources & create topologies GEC3
Components Aggregate A Components Aggregate B Components Aggregate C Experiment – Install my software, debug, collect data, retry, etc. GENI Clearinghouse Experimentation Researcher loads software, debugs, collects measurements GEC3
What to do for Spiral 1? Some example tasks: Clearinghouse developers –Share component manager reference code –Develop discovery services, slice control/mgmt tools –Documentation APIs User manuals Aggregates –Develop component RSpecs –Adapt component managers to your system –Documentation Component programming guides Measurements Integrate, Test, Demo –6 months for internal development –6 months to integrate, use, and fix GEC3www.geni.net24