Eionet NFP Meeting 28/29 September 2011 European Environment Agency
Eionet NFP Meeting Sep Objectives of NRC-SOE Workshop To reassert the role of the NRC-SoE network. To review the state of SoE reporting across Europe. To reflect on the use of environmental indicators in SoE reports. To strengthen links between national and European SoE reports. To reflect on how to incorporate forward-looking information. To initiate discussions towards SOER PLUS: To share ‘established practice’ within network!
Session 1 - Introduction & stock-taking Session 2 - Reasserting the role of the NRC-SoE network Session 3 - Reviewing national-level SoE reports - Country presentations: CS, HR, MN, NL, PL, RS Session 4 - Recap of Day 1 Session 5 - Using indicators in SoE reports - Country presentations: BH, DE, NL, RS, SI Session 6 - Establishing links between SoE reports Session 7 - Using forward-looking information in SoE reports - Country presentations: AT, BE Session 8 - Learning lessons: ideas for SOER 2015 Session 9 - Wrap-up Eionet NFP Meeting Sep Outline of NRC-SOE Workshop
Eionet NRC-SOE Workshop From SOER 2010 to SOER Reflecting Planning AssessingProducing Content & coverage Structure & approach Indicators & types of information Process & network
Sub-national level National level European level Global level ‘State of Environment‘ Assessments Water Assessments Climate Assessments Biodiversity Assessments... Thematic Assessments Eionet NFP Meeting Sep EEA SOE reports and other SOE reports Note: Indicators (i.e. the toblerone‘s ‘scaffolding‘) are the basis of environmental assessments (i.e.the toblerone‘s ‘chocolate‘)
Eionet NFP Meeting Sep SERIS to share ‘established practices‘ (Session 2 & 3) SERIS is a shared library of NRC-SOE. Only for about half of the countries SERIS is up-to-date. Countries stressed that SERIS is useful for their national SOE reporting. Agreement to keep SERIS. Agreement to add more information about reports (‘review template’).
Eionet NFP Meeting Sep Review of EEA indicators (Session 5 & 6) Four distinct but inter-connected EEA activities were highlighted at the Management Board in March 2011 & June 2011: (1) Cleaning the EEA indicators to remove redundancies and duplications and ensure improved access to them on the website; (2) Mapping the EEA indicators and their status related to their technical, conceptual and political context; (3) Continuance of indicator-based state of environment reporting in member countries as part of the SOER follow-up process; and (4) Reviving the annual publication of an indicator-based cross- cutting assessment.
Eionet NFP Meeting Sep Using forward-looking information in SOE (Session 7) Fundamental dilemma: How to combine indicator-based information that aim to offer a degree of certainty - with - forward-looking perspective that aims to embrace / structure uncertainty
Eionet NRC-SOE Workshop From SOER 2010 to SOER 2015 (Session 8) Reflecting Planning AssessingProducing Content & coverage Structure & approach Indicators & types of information Process & network
Preliminary Reflections towards SOER Content & Coverage What to address in SOER Logic - DPSIR still the entry point?, link to ‘strategic assessments’ ? Topics - green economy, lifestyles, environment & equity, hazards,... Style - more ‘storytelling’, show positive messages, identify users... Perspective - long-view (backwards and forward), action-related...
Preliminary Reflections towards SOER Structure & Approach How to develop SOER Identify users - adapt structure to audience, define ‘personas’,... Communication - social media, apps, several comm. strands,... Benchmark - country comparison, state of action... Integrate prospective analysis
Preliminary Reflections towards SOER Indicators & Type of Information What to link across scales... (Key) indicators! Composite indicators - transparency important, use if available,... Methods - common template, uncertainty, spatial indicators...
Preliminary Reflections towards SOER Process & Network How to link across scales... SERIS - keep SERIS!, add review template, clarify AoA vs SERIS,... SENSE - link indicators (but which and which elements still open)... NRC network - facilitate cross- fertilisation (SOE; FLIS; EIS; Comm) Project plan - develop a project plan on how to link across scales as part of SOER 2015,...
Eionet NRC-SOE - What next? Reflect on outcome(s) of this NRC-SOE meeting, and maintain more regular dialogue (e.g. on indicators,...) Upgrade SERIS (i.e. include a modified ‘review template’ for SOE reports to enhance the usefulness of the library). NRC-SOE to review ‘Annual Indicator Report’ (consultation now scheduled for Nov/Dec). EEA to develop plan with NRC-SOE for linking (key) indicators across scales, after EEA indicator mapping exercise. Value in linking NRC-SOE workshops with other NRC workshops (e.g. with FLIS, EIS, Communication). Next meeting early in spring 2012, annual thereafter.