The Mormon Pioneers Misunderstanding & Conflict
Why were there so many misunderstandings between the Mormon people & their neighbors? Mormons told others they were the only “True” church. Their beliefs put others off –Modern day prophets –Additional scriptures (Book of Mormon)
Why were there so many misunderstandings between the Mormon people & their neighbors? Some “chosen” Mormons practiced polygamy.
Why were there so many misunderstandings between the Mormon people & their neighbors? Mormons believed in gathering places and moved en’ masse into a region. Often outnumbering their neighbors
Why were there so many misunderstandings between the Mormon people & their neighbors? Mormons tended to vote as a block and collectively had a more powerful voice than most of their neighbors
Why were there so many misunderstandings between the Mormon people & their neighbors? In Missouri most Mormons were opposed to slavery, however in Missouri most other people wanted slavery.
Why were there so many misunderstandings between the Mormon people & their neighbors? Mormons lived in economic communities (they gave everything to the church, who in turn reallocated the goods to others) this gave their leaders lots of power.