1 Indonesian Loggers Rachael Parks
2 The Situation A flash flood on the island of Sumatra (the size of Great Britain) killed at least 80 people. 100 are still missing as the search continues.
3 The flood was thought to be made worse by the extensive logging. Indonesian Environment Minister has called illegal loggers "terrorists.“ The minister, Nabiel Makarim, blamed corrupt officials and business people for the practice. Illegal Loggers Are Blamed
4 Environmental Destruction President Megawati blamed the Sumatra flood on environmental destruction. But it is difficult to combat the illegal logging because they get financial support and protection from members of the police and some government agencies.
5 Debris The Flash Floods hit Bukit Lawang Monday – about 90 kilometers northwest of the regional centre, Medan.
6 Village Destroyed The Village is part of a tourist hiking trial. Guesthouses and roads have been washed away settlements have been coated in a layer of mud, logs and rubble.
7 Logging Impact The tragedy has focused attention once again on the rapid destruction of Indonesia's forests. The area is hit by floods every year. but illegal logging has stripped the area of the tree coverage and other vegetation, which would normally absorb water during the rainy season.
9 Causes Government ordered the felling of 100s of trees for highway construction in a neighboring district. The North Sumatra governor, Rizal Nurdin, blamed illegal logging for the disaster, and said the central government was not doing enough to tackle the problem.
10 Problems Area may be closed to visitors for up to 6 months. This will have a devastating impact on local villagers, many of whom work in service industries.
11 Further Problems This devastation is yet another of Indonesia's "dirty little secrets.” Among their concerns is the irresponsible destruction of vast areas of rainforest, including the national park.
12 Conclusion The Island contained some of the most important and largest tracts of rainforest in the world. The rate at which these forests are being wiped out is appalling and has a far reaching impact. Some say these rainforests are the lungs of the planet, which are being destroyed.