CHAPTER 3 Court Systems 3-1 Forms of Dispute Resolution 4/23/2017 CHAPTER 3 Court Systems 3-1 Forms of Dispute Resolution 3-2 The Federal Court System 3-3 State Court Systems
3-1 Forms of Dispute Resolution GOALS Explain how disputes can be settled without going to court Name the different levels of courts and describe their powers Chapter 3
FOCUS What two types of courts are used in our legal system to settle disputes? Chapter 3
DISPUTE RESOLUTION How can disputes be resolved without going to court? How do courts settle disputes? Trial courts Appellate courts Chapter 3
What are the two levels of courts, and what is the function of each? Chapter 3
3-2 The Federal Court System GOALS Identify the source of power of the federal courts Name the various levels of federal courts and describe their jurisdictions Chapter 3
FOCUS What is a federal court? Chapter 3
ORIGIN OF THE FEDERAL COURT SYSTEM Judiciary Acts established: U.S. Supreme Court 13 district courts Federal Courts of Appeal Specialized courts Chapter 3
What is the source of power of the federal courts? Chapter 3
JURISDICTION OF THE FEDERAL COURTS Federal District Courts Federal Courts of Appeals United States Supreme Court Chapter 3
Name the three levels of federal courts and describe the jurisdiction of each. Chapter 3
3-3 State Court Systems GOALS Compare the structure of a typical state court system with the structure of the federal courts Identify typical state courts of specialized jurisdiction Chapter 3
FOCUS What is the primary difference between the federal court system and a state court system? Chapter 3
A TYPICAL STATE COURT SYSTEM State trial courts State courts of appeals State supreme courts Chapter 3
What does a typical state court system have in common with the federal court system? Chapter 3
STATE COURTS WITH SPECIALIZED JURISDICTIONS Associate circuit courts City or municipal courts Small claims courts Juvenile courts Probate courts Chapter 3
Name the typical state courts that have specialized jurisdiction. Chapter 3