Jennifer Wilkinson, M.Ed., LPC, NCC, NCSC
System is designed to gather, standardize, and report data to local school districts. Helps with mobile populations in record keeping. Provides a single location where data can be accessed, analyzed and used to certify required state and federal reports. Districts can access student information quickly and efficiently within 24 hours of enrollment allowing for quick and informed decisions. My Data System
District Tab for My Data
School Tab for My Data
Teacher Tab for My Data
Student Tab for My Data
Student Search Tab
Student Search Result
Custom View Screen
View Screen Choices
Report Screen
Student Identifiers, Indicators, Other Reporting Error/Issues Data View Other Features
Poor grades in core subjects Low attendance Failure to be promoted to the next grade Disengagement in the classroom, including behavioral problems Key Indicators of Dropping Out
Estimated 30% of students who enter high school this year will not graduate in 4 years, while roughly half of all African American and Latino students entering high school will not graduate in 4 years. Health of a high school dropout suffers dramatically with a life expectancy of nearly a decade shorter than a graduate. Dropouts will cost our criminal justice system $1.4 billion a year. US ranks 17 th globally in high school graduation and 14 th globally in college graduation rates among developed nations. 90% of our jobs will require some post-secondary education. High Schools Dropouts
To be effective in preventing dropout, school systems must focus dropout prevention efforts in the beginning of the middle grades.
Attendance and Behavior Monitors Tutoring and Counseling Establishment of Small Learning Communities for Greater Personalization Engaging Catch-Up Courses Ninth Grade Academies Homerooms Benchmarking Progress Monitoring Tiered Interventions A Focus on Equal Access to Rigorous Coursework and High Expectations Career/College Awareness Community Engagement Eighth to Ninth Grade Transition Programs Proven Dropout Prevention Programs
Early Warning Indicators
Student At-Risk Summary
Student Detail Report
Student History Report
Early Intervention Notes
Jennifer Wilkinson, M.Ed., LPC, NCC, NCSC Director of Alternative Education (405) Contact Information