North / North West Region Regional Gas Initiative Regulatory Co-ordination Workshop 8 th February 2007
Introduction Keelin O’Brien CER Ireland
Workstream Deliverables 1.Martix of Regulatory Powers Drawing on Work of CEER / ERGEG 2.Operator Issues Expanded to include Shippers /Storage Operators 3.Conclusions Paper – Categorise Issues; Dealt with by: Legislation Other Workstreams / CEER / ERGEG Improvements can be made by improved Regulatory Co- ordination 4.Guidelines for Regulatory Co-ordination
Agenda for Workshop Matrix of Regulatory Powers –Keelin O’Brien Transporter Issues –Britta Van Boven Responses to Issue paper –Keelin O’Brien Discussion and Development of Conclusions Paper
Matrix of Regulatory Powers Keelin O’Brien CER Ireland
Methodology Draw on Work of CEER –CEER Regulatory Benchmark report Dec 05 Summarise Powers for Each Country in the Region –Includes Norway; Northern Ireland Added; No information for Poland Summary of ERGEG paper for Background –Compatibility of National Legal Conditions Concerning Regulatory Competences Dec 06
Regulatory Powers EU Level National regulatory competences need to be compatible and complementary in order to develop the EU energy market ERGEG Consider: The regulatory and legislative framework is not consistent with the development of a more integrated and ultimately single energy market. The existing regulatory framework … is designed primarily to create the conditions for a liberalised within National boundaries. This will not be sufficient to achieve a single competitive EU energy market.
Requirement for Legislation Regulatory Powers underpinned by –Article 25 of Gas Directive (2003/55/EC) – Regulation 1775/2005 – Commission Decision setting up ERGEG ERGEG recommend Additional Powers : –ability for regulators to act jointly to oversee investments in and operation of networks – ability for regulators to gather and exchange information and pursue..activities in one territory that affect markets in another
A necessary starting point for developing guidelines is an assessment of the concrete powers and areas of discretion of the regulators of the member states within the existing national frameworks to identify the possibilities for creating a common set of binding guideline and processes for issues of co- operation without changing the existing regulatory and legal frameworks. - RWE (response to Issues paper)
Regulator Cross Border Competencies Mandate to recognise customers’ interests in adjoining markets –E.g. cost transfers on transmission infrastructure Possibility to co-operate and act jointly with other regulators –Exchange Information –Request and Pursue market Investigations# –Effective Decision making processes to decide on Joint Actions Possibility to co-operate jointly with competitive authorities
National Market Level Regulatory authority should be independent and have own resources Role in advising Government Sufficient powers to enforce decisions and introduce sanctions and penalties
Network and Market Operations Approve and monitor compliance with rules for access to and use of system Approve and set methodologies or levels for tariffs for UOS and connection Resolve disputes on access and charges Approve rules for wholesale market including balancing, settlement and credit Monitor and enforce compliance with market rules Require timely information to be made available on retail and wholesale markets
Legal Framework Matrix RegulatorLegal StatusEnforcement Powers Appeals BelgiumCREG (plus three other based regionally) Independent Regulator but Minister can suspend or modify decisions Issue Fines; Skim off proceeds Brussels Civil Court; Competition Authority FranceCREIndependent RegulatorIssue FinesParis Appeal Court; State Council; Cassation Court Great BritainOFGEMIndependent Regulator Regional office Scotland Issue Fines; Revoke Licence; Competition Appeal Tribunal; Competition Commission Judicial Court IrelandCERIndependent RegulatorRevise Tariffs; Reduce ROR; Revoke Licences Ministry Appeal Panel; Judicial Review- High Court Northern IrelandOFREGIndependent RegulatorIssue Fines; Revise Tariffs; Reduce ROR; Revoke Licences
Legal Framework Matrix(2) RegulatorLegal StatusEnforcement Powers Appeals DenmarkDERAIndependent RegulatorRevise Tariffs; Reduce ROR; Energy Board of Appeal; County Court; High Court; Supreme Court GermanyBNetzA Independent federal authority Within Ministry Issue Fines; Skim off proceeds District Civil Court; Federal Court of Justice NetherlandsDteIndependent – part of Netherlands Competition Authority Revise Tariffs; Reduce ROR; Issue Fines; Skim off proceeds; Revoke Licences Netherlands Competition Authority; Court of Rotterdam; Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal NorwayNVEAgency of MinistryIssue Fines; Revoke Licence; Skim off proceeds; Ministry of Petroleum and Energy SwedenSTEMIndependent Government Agency Issue Fines; Revise Tariffs; Reduce ROR; County Administrative Court; Supreme administrative Court
Matrix - Operational Issues Access to Information Dispute Resolution –All but Northern Ireland and Belgium Tariffs –All Methodology except GB, Den and Ger –All level except Norway & Denmark –All but Norway approve; Fra can be overruled
Operational Issues (2) Licences – Issue, Modify, Monitor –GB, Ire, NI, Neth, Nor, Swe Licences – Sanction –Bel, GB, Ire, NI, Neth, Swe Rule Making Authority –Network Access (except Bel, Den) –Market Rules (except Swe, Den, Ger) –Balancing (except Bel, Den)
Operational Issues (3) Congestion Management –Approve Rules (except GB, Den, Swe) –Allocate Capacity (except GB, NI, Swe, Den, Neth) Investment –Planning: Ire & NI, advisory role BG, Fra, Bel –Approving: Ire, NI, Fra, Nor –Recovery: Ire, NI, Den, Neth, Nor Cross Border Exchanges –Standards: Fra, BG, Ire, NI, Neth, Nor –Exemptions: Fra, BG, Ire, NI, Ger