Education K-5 Preparing Students for College and the Workforce
Education and Health The Link Between Education & Health Higher levels of parents’ education Healthier behaviors by parents Good role models Better jobs and increased income Better housing, safer neighborhoods, more physical activity & better nutrition More resources for childcare, transportation & health insurance Less stress, better access to health care Impact of parents’ education on child health* *Adapted from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2008
Education and Health Morbidity and Mortality vs. Education EDUCATION < 1212 YearsCollege> 16 or Years13-15 YearsMore Years Morbidity & Mortality
Education K-5 Greater Houston Students Increasingly diverse population Preparing Students for College and the Workforce
Education K-5 Preparing Students for College and the Workforce Latino 40% in 2000 Nearly 67% in 2040
Education K-5 Greater Houston Students Increasingly diverse population 55% poverty Preparing Students for College and the Workforce
Education K-5 Preparing Students for College and the Workforce
Education K-5 Preparing Students for College and the Workforce 61,341 6,782 99,413 76, ,078 14,782 90,408 9,030 Percent economically disadvantaged 8-County Region Nearly 650,000 children in poverty!
Education K-5 Greater Houston Students Increasingly diverse population 55% poverty 20% limited English proficient More than 100 languages spoken Preparing Students for College and the Workforce
Social Studies PSAT ACT STAAR/EOC MCAT ITBS Aprenda SAT Math LSAT TAKS PLAN ReadingReading EXPLORE Stanford Science GRE KeyToSuccess
Education K-5 Preparing Students for College and the Workforce Improved performance Gap unchanged
Education K-5 Preparing Students for College and the Workforce Retention usually not the solution
Education K-5 Preparing Students for College and the Workforce Elementary Retention Over-age Ninth Graders
Education K-5 Grade 3 Reading Significant early indicator of high school success Reflects effectiveness of primary grade instruction Breaking the cycle of remediation Preparing Students for College and the Workforce Regional and State Competitiveness At-Risk
Education K-5 What Works Data to inform decision-making Recruiting and retaining effective teachers Time on task Reform through visionary leaders Fidelity to effective programs Preparing Students for College and the Workforce Correctly implemented research-based school reforms