Human-Environment Interaction in Europe Ch. 12-3 Notes
Polders: Land from the Sea Dikes-earthen banks 40% of the Netherlands was once under water Polder-land that is reclaimed by diking and draining
Seaworks Structures that are used to control the sea’s destructive impact on human life Windmills used to power pumps that drained the land
Waterways for Commerce: Venice’s Canals Venice, Italy-120 small islands and part of the mainland The Grand Canal flows between them
150 canals are used Transportation: Boat or walk Became a port city, trade helped city grow
Problems Weight of buildings compressed the land-Venice is gradually sinking Flooding-rising sea levels Water pollution damages foundations
Flood in Venice December 1, 2008
Deforestation Clearing of forest from an area One cause of tree death is acid rain Factories produce high amounts of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions This combines with water vapor to form acid rain or snow