Judicial Branch Review
Round One: Vocabulary Group of laws that refer to disputes between people Group of laws that define what acts are crimes Any behavior that is illegal because society considers the behavior harmful Scope of authority that a court has to hear and decide a case Power allowing the Supreme Court to decide whether a law/action is Constitutional.
Round Two: Sources of Laws Laws passed by lawmaking bodies such as Congress Laws based on the Constitution and Supreme Court decisions Type of law that uses previous court decisions and common sense Laws created by government agencies that affect our daily lives
Round Three: Vocabulary An earlier decision by the courts Process by which the person asks a higher court to review a trial Authority to hear and decide a case for the first time Authority to review decisions made by lower courts Court decision to return a case to a lower court
Round Four: Types of Courts The lowest level of the Federal Court System Second level in Federal Court System Highest level in Federal Courts Assess whether law was properly applied during a previous case Only level to use juries
Round Five: Supreme Court VOCAB: The reasoning that led to the decision of the court A written explanation of why you agree with the majority of the justices but for different reasons A written explanation of why you disagree with the majority of justices Number of justices on the Supreme Court Current Chief Justice of the United States
Round Six: General Trivia Number of Federal District Courts Number of Federal Courts of Appeals Number of Federal District Courts in PA Circuit in Court of Appeals that PA is in How are Federal Judges selected (both parts needed)
Round Seven: General Trivia Three ways in which a Supreme Court Justice can be removed Case where Judicial Review was established Case where “Separate-but-equal” doctrine was established Case where “Separate-but-equal” was overturned What are the requirements to be a federal court justice?
Round Eight: Name the Law Source Consumer Product Safety Commission rules a toy is unsafe and must be taken out of market Sixth Amendment gives “assistance of counsel” right, thus legal aid will be given for free to those who cannot afford it PA law regarding all buildings to have fire exits
BONUS ROUND The Supreme Court is best known for reviewing cases that have been appealed through the lower courts (appellate jurisdiction). However, there are 3 situations where the court has original jurisdiction. Name them.