IYA2009 UK activities Ian Robson
Organisation The Royal Astronomical Society undertakes the top-level organisation –Web-page at Steering committee comprising –RAS, FAS, BAA, SPA, NAW, ROG, AAE, IoP, Astronomy Now, Ecsite, SHA, STFC, FT. Scouts and Guides Executive Committee –RAS, STFC, IoP
Work to date Three steering committee meetings held, mainly concentrating on the non-professional astronomy pool and fleshing out ‘ideas’ IYA2009 launched at the National Astronomy Meeting in April 2007 along with the web-page. Funding of €150k pledged from the RAS, STFC and IoP for a full-time UK coordinator- seeking to appoint from January 2008 until April Funding being sought from the RAS and STFC for a pool of funds to support special IYA2009 initiatives – allocated through peer review.
UK events IYA2009 specific Moonweek 2009 – week of July 21st through 26th commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Apollo landing (21 st ), the longest total solar eclipse of the century (22 nd ) and the weekend of Thomas Harriot celebrations at Syon House Kew (26 th ).
UK events IYA2009 specific National Astronomy Weeks – two weeks focused on having as many members of the public look through a telescope as possible (weather permitting) – using mainly the network of amateur astronomers. These are the weeks of March 29 th and October 29th (first quarter moon and Saturn and Jupiter availability). Also use these weeks as a springboard for many other events.
UK events – annual meetings ASTROFEST - January Association of Science Education - January National Science Week (British Association for the Advancement of Science - March) Festival Week (BAA – September) National Astronomy Meeting – March (with JENAM)
UK ideas Starparties organised by astronomical societies etc Visitor Centre and Planetarium special events Very cheap cardboard ‘Give-away’ telescopes for the public Donate ‘reasonable’ telescopes to selected schools – requires significant funding. Take telescopes into schools – solar observing and use of real-time solar web-feeds Can we get cheap solar projectors to donate Film documentary about Thomas Harriot Stately Homes and Holst Planets concerts The Crawford Collection World Tour
UK ideas Provision of resources for local astronomical society members to use for talks etc (eg powerpoints, posters, ‘what works-what doesn’t’) Coordination of the use of robotic telescopes and possible competitions followed by exhibitions Astronomy lectures on tour Production of newsletter for 9-16 year olds (Starlight), 1 per term The travelling astronomical image show Broadsheet handouts on an astronomy theme during 2009 – can we secure a ‘preferred newspaper’ ?
UK ideas Documents/info sheets - 'What astronomers did for us‘ e.g. the ROG on astronomy and navigation, Herschel etc A Guide to UK Astronomy sites - archaeology, observatories, former residences of the notable. Support and encourage Night Visits to Stonehenge by the public to see the stars, moon rises Focus on light pollution issues in general – DarkSkies, Globe at Night ? Designate a Dark Sky Park. An astronomical challenge for a RAS prize e.g. replicating Maskeyline's determination of 'G' using Schiehalian Use 2009 to generate information on archival material relevant to astronomy held by observatories, libraries, etc - plates, library items, electronic data sources not already in the public domain – the heritage
UK ideas UNAWE Hands-on Universe Galileo Ambassadors – ‘teach the teachers’ Most of the other cornerstone activities