Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 6th April 2011 Youth Music and Culture Festival.


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Presentation transcript:

Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 6th April 2011 Youth Music and Culture Festival I have been contacted by Emma Scott, the Community Development Officer at West Dorset District Council about this year’s festival which is to take place on Saturday 27 August from midday at Maumbury Rings in Dorchester. She is looking for young people to get involved in the festival which is called Anonymous Any young musicians or performers who would like to get involved, please ring Emma on or if you would like a stall or to do something on the day.

Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 6th April 2011 Easter Concert Our Easter concert will begin at 1.30 in the church. The children will take everything they need to go home so, if you or a named person attends, your child will be able to go home straight from the church. They will not need to return to school for anything. Those that are not collected will return to school with staff until the usual leaving time. After the celebration there will be hot (but really cold) cross buns for all the adults and an Easter egg hunt for the children. They are making little baskets today to collect them in.

Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 6th April 2011 Training Day – Holidays (loads of them) The staff have a training day on Friday. The children return to school after the Easter Monday bank holiday for three days then have the long weekend of the royal wedding and May bank holiday off school. Please make sure your child is in school on these three days as we will begin preparing for the SATs. It is only fair that the children know exactly (apart from the questions) what is expected of them.

Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 6th April 2011 Money Raised A huge thank you to everyone that came to the Easter egg bingo on Friday evening. I believe you all had a super time and raised a staggering £286 to be shared between the Friends and Scarecrows. Also a huge thank you to everyone for the jewelry sent in – £32 raised.

Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 6th April 2011 Ghana and the books My daughter has arrived safely in Ghana and is finding life quite different to home – both her own home and England! I have had a promise of some funding from Tesco to send computers and books there but need a bit more – AS YOU HAVE SENT IN SOOOOOOOO MANY. I am speaking to the Tesco Community Champion again tomorrow and hope to get some in the post soon. I know the children there are going to be overwhelmed when they receive them.

Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 6th April 2011 Tennis Mrs Freeman has organized an after school club on Mondays with Neil Darragh for ten tennis sessions during the summer term. These will run from 3.00 to 4.00pm at a cost of £3 per session. This is the only time slot that can be organized. A more detailed letter will be sent home tomorrow – Thursday 7 April. Can you let Sandy know if you would be interested in your child attending. Thank you

Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 6th April 2011 Caterpillar Club Next term our ‘new recruits’ will be attending twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, after the Easter break. They will also be having lunch so they will be absolutely ready to begin school proper in September. Mrs Smith, however, is on a course on Thursday 28 April, so, it is not possible to run the club on this day. Do let others know that do not have children in our school yet.

Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 6th April 2011 Royal Tea Party Our ‘Let’s Get Cooking’ club will he hosting a ‘Royal Tea Party’ in the village hall at 2.15 on Thursday 28 April. Mrs Price and Mrs Folley have sent a flier out about this event but just in case you did not receive it you are cordially invited to join the children

Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B.Ed (Hons) Info from Newsletter sent on 6 th April 2011 Newsletters are also to be found on the school website on the news page. Remember that there is a wealth of information on our website!