International Conference 1,5 Years after Enlargement Vienna, December 2005
NG(D)O networking and cooperation Vienna conference The enlargement of the EU and the role of NGDOs Vienna, 18–20 November 1998 Vienna conference The enlargement of the EU and the role of NGDOs Vienna, 18–20 November 1998 Networking efforts within the country from 1999 among slovak NG(D)Os active in development cooperation and humanitarian assistance abroad Networking efforts within the country from 1999 among slovak NG(D)Os active in development cooperation and humanitarian assistance abroad Meetings with the government representatives - MFA Meetings with the government representatives - MFA International networking with the Member States EU Platform NGOs ( events under German, Finish and Portuguese Presidencies) International networking with the Member States EU Platform NGOs ( events under German, Finish and Portuguese Presidencies) Cooperation in the frame of the TRIALOG Project Cooperation in the frame of the TRIALOG Project Born in January 2002 with 9 members Born in January 2002 with 9 members Founding member of CONCORD Founding member of CONCORD Currently 29 member organizations Currently 29 member organizations
Platform objectives be directly involved and participate in the field of foreign development co-operation policy of the Slovak Republic, the European Union and other institutions aimed at the development in less developed countries; be directly involved and participate in the field of foreign development co-operation policy of the Slovak Republic, the European Union and other institutions aimed at the development in less developed countries; contribute to the process of forming the awareness of people living in the Slovak Republic of solidarity and mutual assistance and thus contribute to addressing poverty, lack of freedom and humanitarian crises in the World; contribute to the process of forming the awareness of people living in the Slovak Republic of solidarity and mutual assistance and thus contribute to addressing poverty, lack of freedom and humanitarian crises in the World; provide its members opportunities for development and professional growth. provide its members opportunities for development and professional growth.
Capacity building Key players: Key players: TRIALOG (networking with EU NGDOs) - seminars - visits to other Platforms - participation on various events and conferences - integration into CONCORD ODACE (funding for V4 plus baltic states) – important partner for the Government - first grant for the Platform UNDP – microprojects travel grants to the developing countries to identify partners and projects Partners of individual NGOs
Main areas of work Development Projects Development Projects Development Education Development Education Humanitarian Assistance Humanitarian Assistance Development Policy – National Program of ODA Development Policy – National Program of ODA Lobby work towards Government, Parliament,... Dialogue with: - MFA - ODA unit - Co-ordination committee for development assistance with representatives of line ministeries and one representative of the slovak NGDO Platform led by the State secretary of MFA - UNDP Trust Fund and Bratislava-Belgrade Fund - Members of the Slovak Parliament and MEPs - NGDO Platform representatives present in all relevant gremia and part of the consultation processes
Public awareness work by NGOs ONEWORLD Film festival (People in Peril together with czech People in Need Foundation) ONEWORLD Film festival (People in Peril together with czech People in Need Foundation) GOOD NEWS Campaign (eRko together with catholic parishes and DKA Austria) GOOD NEWS Campaign (eRko together with catholic parishes and DKA Austria) Concerts, cultural and sport events (Slovak Committee for UNICEF, PLOP,...) Concerts, cultural and sport events (Slovak Committee for UNICEF, PLOP,...) Global Education Week activities (Slovak-Southafrican Society) Global Education Week activities (Slovak-Southafrican Society) Volunteer programs (GLEN Programme,...) Volunteer programs (GLEN Programme,...) GCAP campaign – „Svet bez chudoby“ GCAP campaign – „Svet bez chudoby“ Cooperation with media Cooperation with media
by Marián Čaučík, chairman of board Slovak NGDO Platform Pražská 11 Bratislava Slovak republic Tel./fax: