Mayor and Council Public Hearing February 15, 2011 David Umling, City Planner
Proposed by Larcorp, LLC Originally designed to authorize charter & magnet schools in the CBD Zone According to the U.S. Census estimates compiled by MDP for the Citys 2013 Comprehensive Plan, the CBD was the only neighborhood that grew in population during the 1990s.
To allow Private, Charter, and Magnet Schools in the CBD Zone as a conditional use (approval by Board of Zoning Appeals) Amends Section 6.02 (Use Regulations Table) & Section 8.06 (Use Standards) of the Zoning Ordinance Outlines conditions of approval relating to: Parking & student loading/unloading Building preservation and maintenance Traffic impacts Total Student Capacity (not more than 250 students) Isolation distances from Adult Entertainment Businesses and Substance Abuse Transitional Residences
Developed in consultation with staff and PC between March & September 2010 PC Public Hearing conducted on October 18, 2010 – No public comments received PC recommended approval to Mayor and Council on October 18, 2010
Proposed ordinance does not address isolation of schools from bars and liquor stores Such uses are allowed by right within the CBD Zone and are broadly distributed through the downtown area