Geography Sustainable Development Climate Change [Date] Today I will: - Understand how humans can cause the climate to change - Know the impact climate change has
Geography Sustainable Development
Geography Sustainable Development
Geography Sustainable Development
Since the Industrial Revolution (1860s) the global average temperature has risen significantly The eleven warmest years on record occurred during the past twelve years. Geography Sustainable Development
Geography Sustainable Development
Geography Sustainable Development
Geography Sustainable Development - higher death toll amongst the elderly and disabled - increasing risk of forest fires More warm days and more heatwaves
Geography Sustainable Development More intense rainfall - more floods, landslides - pollution of water - destroyed harvests - higher wind speed and more rainfall More intense tropical storms:
Geography Sustainable Development - too little drinking water - food security threatened - potential impact on conflict and migration More droughts, more often:
Geography Sustainable Development Melting ice reduction in water supplies glacial lake outburst floods Qori Kalis Glacier, Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru
Geography Sustainable Development Sea level rise - sea level rise will bring large coastal areas at risk - salt water intrusion threatens water supply and food security - impacts already being felt particularly during storm surge
Geography Sustainable Development Health and climate change - shift of diseases to new areas - increase of water borne diseases after floods - increase of diseases due to higher temperatures, humidity or drought
Geography Sustainable Development Read Pages 180 and 181. Answer question 7 on page 84 and question 3 on page 85 of the New Wider World Textbook.