MUST-SIM Training Day Urbana, Illinois, September 2005 After Slides Prepared by: Lelli Van Den Einde Wei Deng Tim Warnock and Daniel Frysinger at and NEEScentral Overview and Relation to MUST-SIM Jerome F. Hajjar Professor and MUST-SIM Co-PI
Outline NEEScentral Overview Data Repository Telepresence Collaboration Future Plans
Overview: NEES accounts NEES accounts give you access to –NEEScentral data repository –Telepresence capabilities –Equipment Site NEESpops If you do not have an account, request one now at: – Forget your password? –
Project Membership All project members may –Create experiments, trials, and subfolders –Upload data and other documentation –Access (download/view) all parts of the project Admins may –Delete subfolders and files –Add members to a project NEESit Recommendation –Make MUST-SIM and/or Project IT staff the project admin to start (and include a backup person)
Data Repository: Interim File Hierarchy
Interim File Hierarchy (cont’d) Designed for flexibility –Unlimited number of subfolders may be created A note on deletion –ONLY allowed by the project admins Files may be uploaded individually or in bulk References – hp
From The Top : Projects Each NEESR and preNEESR should have its own project Projects allow you to share data with other researchers All NEES users may create/manage their own project
Documentation Subfolders Exist at each level of the hierarchy NEESit Recommendation –Place document(s) at the highest vertical level in the hierarchy where it is still relevant across the horizontal levels
Analysis Subfolders Pre-test simulations, design parameter studies, and post-test simulations Include all input and output files Document any assumptions made ?
Metadata Add metadata at the highest level –Project/Experiment/Trial –Subfolders –Files Current metadata fields are very high level –Title/Name –Description –Objective –Start/End Date Add documents describing metadata when existing metadata fields are inadequate
Experiments Typically at least one (or more) experiment(s) per research group associated with the NEESR Experiment Setup –Documents describing test setup, instrumentation plans, designs for specimen components, etc
Trials Minor changes to the configuration parameters defined at the experiment level Some experiments have only 1 trial Centrifuge tests typically have multiple trials Trial Configuration: –Files describing specific differences in the experiment setup that make this trial unique
Trial Repetitions Trials run multiple times without changes to setup/trial parameters Data averaged to improve data quality Trial repetitions store multiple data sets with no changes to setup/configuration
Trial Data Unprocessed Data –Raw data files from data acquisition systems – sensor data, video, still images –Not always rawest form of data (or original source). Could be something converted or exported into another format Discourage use of proprietary formats in favor of exported formats Where you want to start sharing from (for deriving/converting) –Up to PI to decide what is the most basic form of data Converted Data –Data converted to engineering units and other simple conversations –Example: Voltage to strain/curvature/displacement, converting ASCII files from double float numbers to fixed decimal Corrected Data –Data revised to compensate for problems or eliminate noise –Include documentations describing modifications to the data Derived Data –Secondary and tertiary data products –Examples: plotting rotation from displacement transducers, plotting strain profiles along a specimen axis
Data Sharing and Archiving Policy Policies apply to both experimental and simulation data Goals –No data lost –Ensure high quality data –Provide sufficient data/metadata to reproduce experiment Investigators who create/collect data have a legitimate interest in benefiting from their investment of time and effort Data timelines –Accessible to project participants as soon as it is recorded –Structured Data submitted to the permanent repository within 6 months of the end of the experiment/simulation –Made automatically accessible to the public no later than 12 months after the end of the experiment/simulation
Telepresence: flexTPS Enables remote viewing and robotic control of live video over the internet Recommended tool for sharing video during an experiment Developed by Christopher Stanton, UT Austin
flexTPS (cont’d) Web browser is the only requirement Integrated with NEES authentication & authorization –Use your NEES account to access private streams Record capabilities available for authenticated users flexTPS User Guide –
Data Viewing and Playback: RDV Real-time Data Viewer –View time synchronized, streaming data –Live or archived –Developed by Jason Hanley, SUNY/Buffalo Supported displays –Numeric in chart or tabular form –Video/Images in full resolution or scaled form –Text – Examples: log messages, chat, etc
RDV (cont’d) Useful for remote collaboration during your experiments Requires use of Data Turbine –See your IT admins or contact NEESit for details and/or assistance Obtain RDV from –A NEESpop where you have access – RDV User’s Guide
NEES WebEx Real-time collaboration with distributed project team members –Augment and complement face-to-face meetings with advanced online meeting capabilities Web-based, hosted service, with no up-front costs for new hardware or software –Only requires a telephone and Internet connection Features: –View, annotate, or edit documents in real time through shared desktop or shared applications –Shared white board –Chat –Video capabilities: optional, but supports cheap web cameras –Archive capabilities
Future Work
NEEScentral Enhanced metadata model (ingestion tools) Google search –PDF’s, Word/Excel documents, etc Enhanced security –Read only access to projects –PI area Bulk Download Usability Enhancements –File browsers, project and member sorting, etc
NEES Web Template Template for NEESR web sites Enables researchers to easily share data –Page level security for project member access –Linked to NEEScentral data repository, local data repository, or both Easily customizable Easily extensive by IT staff –Interface to specific applications –Provide customized tools that integrate with the data repository
SingleShot Christopher Stanton, UT Austin Supports NEESit interim hierarchy Extended metadata model Software Goals –Enable researchers to manage data locally –Synchronize with NEEScentral
NEES Activities Web Interface Web site to communicate current status of NEES research Publicly accessible for education and outreach Communicates dates and times for tests Highlights next four tests to occur Provides access to public telepresence streams/movies
NEES Activities Web Interface (cont’d)