PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD If you would like to address the Mayor and City Council during the Public Comment section on Tonights Agenda, please record your name and address on the sign-up sheet located on the speakers podium in the front of the Council room.
CERTIFICATES & AWARDS The Pack #10 LaVale, Maryland Webelos 1 & 2 will be attending the public meeting to earn their Citizenship Pin.
Discussion item involving the proposed demolition of 408 Columbia Street and the sale of the land to adjoining property owner. Personnel Activity Report for the period September 30 through October 10, 2008 Reports – City Administrator
408 Columbia Street City staff concerned of potential collapse of structure. Current owner proposes to donate property to City. Adjoining property owner interested in buying property for $ 2K Cost of demo is $ 3,977 Net cost to City: $ 1,977
Police Police Department monthly report for September, 2008 Administrative Services Update will be provided to the Mayor and City Council on the changes that have been implemented in the Cumberland Housing Code, specifically with the new rental registration procedures. Housing Code Presentation.ppt Presentation of the prioritized project list proposal to be included in FY'09 Community Legacy Program Application Community Legacy 08 Recommendation.ppt Directors Reports
Unfinished Business
Ordinances (2 nd and 3 rd Readings) Ordinance - amending the official zoning map of the City of Cumberland in order to establish an I-G (General Industrial) Zone on property located on Commerce Drive (+/- 5 acres), known as Lot #5.
New Business
Resolutions 1. Resolution approving the application and receipt of financing for FY09 Community Legacy Projects in the approximate amount of $1,000,000.
Consent Agenda
1. Order authorizing the execution of an agreement with US Cellular to provide cell phone equipment and service in the estimated monthly amount of $6, Order authorizing the execution of a Commercial Lease with the Town Center Development Group, LLC for the first floor space of 113 Baltimore Street to house the Western Maryland Business Resource Center, for a period of one (1) year at a cost of $14,