O VERVIEW Aggie Identity Diversity Building Education Community Outreach
A GGIE I DENTITY Knocking down the “Khaki Wall” Maritime Academy involved Publicize the School In Galveston Aggie Out Day South Branch
D IVERSITY Ambassador Program Expanding the resources of the program Where we go Who is involved Cultural Nights Celebrate cultures more than just on multicultural festival
B UILDING ( FOR FUTURE ) Cafeteria Expanded Hours Other places Study Rooms Throughout campus Bigger Pavement More even Lighting Clock Tower & Kirk Corps escort Bigger Gym Two stories Parking Garage Or Just more places to park
E DUCATION Off Campus Courses Field trips Summer cruises for all majors Minor Courses Other than engineering/ marine base Pre-med classes Internships Language Courses Study Abroad Being able to do classes in Qatar and College Station without having to change majors Faculty Book list Math Department Classroom Professors vs. Research Professors Tutoring More variety
C OMMUNITY O UTREACH Service Opportunities More campus-wide service events besides Big Event Increased involvement with government officials in Galveston area leading to possibly more funding for SGA Community Events More advertising and awareness