PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD If you would like to address the Mayor and City Council during the Public Comment section on Tonights Agenda, please record your name and address on the sign-up sheet located at the table on the side of the Council room. Please note that public comments are limited to five (5) minutes per speaker.
Certificates, Awards and Presentations Presentation of the 2013 Mary Susan Cerutti Historic Preservation Award to the Allegany County Board of Education for the exterior rehabilitation of 108 Washington Street Historic Preservation Awards.ppt
Directors Report Police Department Monthly Report for July, Maintenance Division Monthly Report for July, 2013.
Ordinance Ordinance (Second and Third Readings) - Repealing and reenacting with amendments Section of the City Code pertaining to monthly billing for water service.
Ordinance Ordinance (Second and Third Readings) - authorizing execution of a contract to exchange City owned surplus property located at 630 Elm Street for the property owned by Keithlyn Warner located at 311 Broadway.
Resolution Resolution granting the Cumberland Outdoor Club a property tax credit for the tax year , pursuant to Section of the Tax-Property Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland.
Resolution Resolution approving financing for a Strategic Demolition and Smart Growth Impact Fund project.
Authorizing the Chief of Police to accept a GOCCP Gun Violence Reduction Grant for FY14 in the amount of $15, for police overtime to proactively combat street level violent crime. Order
Order authorizing the execution of a Deed of Appointment of Substitute Trustee to appoint Michael S. Cohen as the City's Substitute Trustee to a Deed of Trust for 55 Baltimore Street.
PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD If you would like to address the Mayor and City Council during the Public Comment section on Tonights Agenda, please record your name and address on the sign-up sheet located on the speakers podium in the front of the Council room. Please note that public comments are limited to five (5) minutes per speaker.