o establish in an experimental way what living organisms contribute to the purification of the water of the rivers, that flow into the oceans and seas o carry out monitoring of a number of biological indicators of the purity of the water o conduct experiments on efficiency of water purifications by biofilters from organic substances o according to the results of the experiments to create a prototype of an ecosystem
Clean H2O + eichhornia
o Sudakov A. V., the Principle of School №606 o Bogatova M. N., the teacher of Chemistry and Biology o Budnik N. E., the teacher of Biology and Ecology o The students of the 7, 8 and 10 classes: Krasavin E., Filippova M., Kuzina M., Allakhverdieva A., Allakhverdieva P., Gosteva D., Motigullina R., Sazonov A., Pavlov A.
Thank you for attention !!!