Innovative teaching methods Comenius meeting, Helsinki 2014 Jana Lněničková OAVIN, Prague, Czech Republic
Fields of education: a)Tourism b)Economy and business in EU c)Economic lyceum Introduction: our school
One class Different curriculum (chemistry, biology, physics…) The 2 nd and the 3 rd year: PROJECTS Economic lyceum
How the projects work 2 nd year Choose one project Work in pairs Language: Czech Grade: part of the subject 3 rd year Choose one project Only one person for each project Language: depends on the theme Grade: individual mark on the school report
How it should look 1. Written work Minimum 15 standard pages Contains: topic, introduction, solution of procedure, solving professional problems, results, conclusion, resources, appendix Also electronic form 2. Presentation minutes Presenting the project Defending opinions Answering questions from the board
Cooperation with another student and teacher Learning how to search and work with information Learning to prepare PowerPoint presentation Learning to present a project Learning to defend it Benefits for students
Introduction Most adults think, that teenagers are crazy, irresponsible and their behavior is exaggerated. Perhaps because teenagers act like they act. And maybe because you act like you act. Teenagers often don’t even know why they are sad, why they cry or why they explode with laughter. Teenagers want to try new things (mostly prohibited things – because how we all know- forbidden fruit tastes best). Teenagers want to risk, they feel like rebels, they feel freely, they want to feel grown up. To what extent are they able to take the risk? Why they take risk? Do they break the rules? Do they test what happens then? We will try to answer these and many other questions. Writen project: example
Questionnaire: examples
Results of the questionnaire
Presentation: example
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