RoR Lesson 4 Covering Rules 32 – 38 and Annex IV
Rule 33 Equipment for Sound Signals >12m – Whistle >20m – Whistle and Bell >100m – Whistle, Bell and Gong Above may be replaced by other equipment having the same sounds, provided that a manual method remains. <12 m - Must have a method of sound signaling (Air canister horn?)
Rule 34 Para (a). You SHALL make sound signals when manoeuvring in accordance with the Rules, but only when in sight of one another. Para (b). The light signals may SUPPLEMENT the sound signal. What is the minimum range of the Manoeuvring light?
Rule 34 Para (c). You only make these sound signals when the other vessel has to manoeuvre to allow safe passing. If it is safe to pass without the other vessel manoeuvring, you do NOT make a sound signal.
Rule 35 PDV – U/W – M/W_ ≤ 2 mins PDV – U/W – N/M/W_ _ ≤ 2 mins NUC, RAM, CBD, F/V, S/V, Towing_.. ≤ 2 mins Vessel being Towed _... Anchor < 50m~ 5 secs ≤ 1 min Anchor > 100m ~ 5 secs *** 5 secs ≤ 1 min MAY also sound. _. Aground/// ~ 5 secs /// *** 5 secs ≤ 1 min What would be an appropriate whistle signal?
Rule 36 Rule 37 Rule 38
Annex IV A gun or other explosive signal fired at intervals of about one minute. A Continuous sounding with any fog signalling apparatus. Rockets or shells, throwing red stars fired one at a time at short intervals. A signal made by radiotelegraphy or by any other signaling method consisting of the group SOS in morse code. A signals sent by radiotelephony consisting of the spoken word “Mayday”. The International Code of signal of distress indicated by N.C. A signal consisting of a square flag having above or below it a ball or anything resembling a ball. Flames on the vessel (as from a burning tar barrel, oil barrel, etc.) A rocket parachute flare or hand held flare showing a red light A smoke signal giving off orange-coloured smoke. Slowly and repeatedly raising and lowering arms outstretched to each side. The radiotelegraph alarm signal (a series of 12 four second dashes with intervals of one second). The radio telephone alarm signal (two-tone audible alarm for secs). Signals transmitted by EPIRBs Approved signals transmitted by radiocommunication systems, including SARTs.