PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD If you would like to address the Mayor and City Council during the Public Comment section on Tonights Agenda, please record your name and address on the sign-up sheet located on the speakers podium in the front of the Council room.
Discussion item to determine which Councilmember's will be appointed to serve on specific boards and commissions of the City. Review of proposed changes to two previously adopted personnel policies. Personnel Activity for the period November 16, 2008 through January 3, Reports – City Administrator
Council Appointments HRDC currently Councilman Hendershot Evitts Creek Steering Committee currently Mayor Fiedler & Councilman Hendershot Historic Preservation Commission currently Councilman Hedrick; vacant 1/5/09 Cumberland/Allegany County Industrial Foundation currently Mayor Fielder Memorial Hospital Corporate Board currently Mayor Fielder Planning & Zoning Commission currently Councilman Elliott Potomac Highlands Airport Authority currently Mayor Fielder Tri-County Council currently Mayor Fielder Parks & Recreation Commission currently Councilwoman Pirolozzi in place of former Councilman Rephann, needs official appointment
Personnel Policy Changes Extended Leave Donor ProgramSick Leave Bank An extended leave donor program has been established to assist employees who have exhausted all of their accrued leave. Parameters of this program are available under separate cover from the Department of Human Resources or the Public Folders of Outlook. Under this program: A regular employee may donate leave hours (sick, vacation, or compensatory time) on an as-needed basis, to another regular employee who meets the criteria Any regular employee who is eligible to accrue sick leave benefits and has completed 6/12 months of probationary status is eligible to receive benefits under the extended leave donor program. An eligible employee may use this benefit for the purpose of caring for the illness, injury or disability of his/her child, dependent, spouse, parent or parent-in-law. This benefit is limited to 60 working days within 12 consecutive months. A Sick Leave Bank will be established to help those employees who experience personal long-term illness or injury resulting in an extended absence from work. The Sick Leave Bank is available to full-time employees with one year of service with sick leave benefits. Enrollment two times per year (January and July) Reducing the number of days from 90 to 60 that can be used from the bank City Administrator approval for the first 30 days Additional requests are to be considered by a committee of sick bank members representing the four divisions. This committee is selected by the HR Dept. and does not have to be the same members each time.
Fire Report of the Fire Chief for the Month of November, 2008 Police Police Department monthly report for November, Ordinance Review and #1 Council Order Directors Reports
Approval of Minutes Regular Minutes of the Regular Sessions of September 30 th, and October 14, Administrative Administrative Session Minutes of September 2, 2008 and September 16, 2008.
Unfinished Business
Ordinances (2 nd & 3 rd Readings) I. Ordinance - repealing certain Sections of the City Code related to the stationary impoundment and towing of vehicles and associated matters, and setting forth amended rules and penalties for the impoundment, towing and booting of vehicles. II. Ordinance - regulating drinking, possession, and consumption of alcoholic beverages on public property. III. Ordinance - prohibiting public urination and defecation. IV. Ordinance - expanding the boundaries of the Virginia Avenue Area for Targeted Revitalization (VAATR) District.
New Business
Resolutions 1) Resolution authorizing certain businesses located within the Gateway Enterprise Zone to receive tax credits for the year , in accordance with the local standards established for the Zone. 2) Resolution supporting the Housing Authority's application for funding under the Maryland Neighborhood Conservation Initiative (NCI) Program for development of the Cornerstone Hill property into a mixed-income housing project.NCI Project Presentation (2).pptxNCI Project Presentation (2).pptx
Consent Agenda
1. Order authorizing the Chief of Police to accept a U.S. Department of Justice Anti-Gang Activity Strategy Grant for police overtime, equipment, training and education for the period of January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, in the amount of $67, Order accepting the bid of Service Unlimited, Inc., for the removal and replacement of the existing steam boiler, with extended warranty, at the Water Filtration Plant (City Project No WFP) - $31, Order accepting the sole source proposal of Davenport & Co., LLC for financial services in connection with the General Obligation Public Improvement Bond (Series 2008) - $20, Order accepting the bid of Industrial Painting Contractors for the painting and renumbering of fire hydrants, over a 3-year period, in the amount of $79, Order accepting the sole source proposal of Funk & Bolton for services provided as bond counsel in connection with the issuance, sale and delivery of the General Obligation Public Improvement Bond (Series 2008) - $22, Order appointing Jerry W. Young to serve a three (3) year term on the Economic Development Commission, commencing January 6, 2008 and ending January 6, Order accepting the sole-source proposal of Sherwood-Logan & Associates for two (2) Seepex Progressive Cavity Pumps for upgrades at the Wastewater Treatment Plant - $43,940.00
Order #1 -
Letters & Petitions 1. Letter from the City Clerk providing a revised summary of the verification of signatures for the petition for referendum submitted by the IAFF Local #1715, reflecting the Opinion of the Court of Appeals of Maryland, filed December 22, Letter from the City Clerk advising that the official results of the General Election, held November 4, 2008, declare Brian K. Grim and Mary Beth Pirolozzi nominated to the office of City Councilman.