+ SAT vs. ACT What you need to know! Junior Advisory March, 2013
+ What are those letters? SAT = used to stand for Scholastic Aptitude Test, now it stands for nothing specific ACT = American College Testing What are these? Timed test on a Saturday College entrance requirement You can submit either test for MOST colleges (always know your schools) Cost money
+ What type of assessment? Aptitude Test – reflects content used in all strong college preparatory courses Achievement Test – curriculum based tests that measure achievement in core content areas SATACT
+ Structure of Each Test Ten Sections: 3 Critical Reading 3 Math 3 Writing 1 Experimental (masked to look like a regular section) Five Sections: English Math Reading Science Optional: Writing (required by most colleges) 1 Experimental section (only added on certain test dates) SATACT
+ Test Content Math – up to Geometry & Algebra II Reading – sentence completion, short and long critical reading passages, reading comprehension Writing – grammar usage, word choice and essay writing Math – up to Trigonometry Science – charts, graphs and data interpretation Reading – four passages, one each of Prose Fiction, Social Science, Humanities and Natural Science English – grammar Writing – persuasive essay SATACT
+ Is there a penalty for wrong answers? YES – ¼ of a point for each wrong multiple choice answer NO SATACT
+ Testing Time 3 hours, 45 minutes – including an un-scored 25 minute experimental section 2 hours, 55 minutes (optional 30-minute writing section) SATACT
+ Scoring per section, added together for a combined score of Each section is given a score of 1-36 All sections averaged together to give the student a total composite score of 1-36 Writing – a score of 2-16 and it counts as 1/3 of the total English score SATACT
+ Cost $51.00 There are some fee waivers available for the school year. If you are registered for free or reduced lunch you would qualify for a waiver. See the counseling office for details. $36.50 without writing $52.50 with writing section There are some fee waivers available for the school year. If you are registered for free or reduced lunch you would qualify for a waiver. See the counseling office for details. SATACT
+ When do I take these exams? Spring of your Junior Year & Fall of your Senior Year This Spring = Two Dates May 3 rd Test Date (PROM) – REGISTRATION DEADLINE = April 4 th June 7 th Test Date– REGISTRATION DEADLINE = May 9 th Go by the counseling office for help Otherwise go to: Spring of your Junior Year & Fall of your Senior Year This Spring = April 12, 2014 (first weekend of Spring Break) REGISTRATION DEADLINE = March 7 th Next FRIDAY!!!! Go by the counseling office for help Otherwise go to: SAT ACT
+ Other Tests You May Have Heard About…… SAT Subject Tests Are required for some majors and some schools No longer required by the UC System $23.00 per test (cannot take same day as regular SAT) ELM – Entry Level Math Math Placement exam for CSU and some colleges You will take once you enroll at a specific campus EPT – English Placement Test English Placement exam for CSU and some colleges You will take once you enroll at a specific campus AWP – Analytical Writing Placement English Placement exam for the UC system You will take once you enroll at a specific UC campus
+ Next Steps: If you think you might apply to a 4-year college or university, it is a good idea to take one of these exams and see how you do. See someone in the counseling office for help with registration. You are more than welcome to do it at home (need credit card if you don’t have a waiver), but we can help and have fee waivers (with qualifications & while supplies last). Don’t wait till the last minute – you are REQUIRED to upload a photo. Please allow time for that piece!!!!! Take advantage of what you are learning in your classes. You never know when you might need it again.
+ If time allows: Check out the question of the day: SAT = the-dayhttp://sat.collegeboard.org/practice/sat-question-of- the-day ACT = Time permitting, wander through the sites.