Critical Design Review- UCF Jeremy Young Anthony Liauppa Erica Terry, Emily Sachs Kristen Brightwell Gillian Smith 1
Mission Statement The mission of Project Advance is to send a rocket to an altitude of 8,000 ± 500 feet and return the vehicle to the ground in a manner such that it can still be used in the future. Upon descent the rocket will deploy onboard cameras that will scan the ground for landing hazards the data will be transmitted to a ground station in real time This project will also perform an examination airframe, Propulsion electrical system The mission of the project is also to serve at least 200 individuals in the local community through STEM related outreach such as workshops and events. Presenter :Jeremy Young 2
Mission Statement Mission success is all dependent on the rocket’s ability to launch to 8,000 ± 500 feet in altitude safely return to the ground Maintain the capability of being launched again without any major repairs to the vehicles. onboard cameras t need to clearly send information about possible incoming landing hazards to a ground station in real time The sensors (strain gauges, accelerometer, and barometric pressure) function properly in order to extrapolate data from them Presenter : Jeremy Young 3
Launch Vehicle Presenter : Anthony Liauppa 4 Single Stage Launch Vehicle Length: 91 in. Diameter: 3 in. Total Mass: oz Motor: Cesaroni K-660 Sparky
Parachutes X-Form Drogue, 24 in Semi Hemispherical Round Parachute 84 in. Rip stop nylon gores 5
Mass to Weight The estimated mass of the final design of the rocket is to be ounces. The NAR code defines the minimum acceptable thrust as 5:1. Thus by that standard and the formula to determine this ratio we have concluded the rocket would have to be more than 30 pounds to exceed this standard. This is all founded through RockSim which has given us accurate values for all of the 6
Descent With RockSim running calculations of the rocket, it landed within 10 feet of the launch site upon a regular launch with 0 wind. With 5mph wind is it predicted to land 494 feet away from the launch site. At 10 mph of wind it is predicted to land 1053 feet. At 15 mph of wind it is predicted to land 1494 feet away. At 20mph it is projected to land approximately 1894 feet away. 7
Kinetic Energy at Key phases Kinetic energy at launch Kinetic Energy at peak velocity Kinetic Energy at Recovery deployment Kinetic energy upon landing 8
Experiment Procedure During the flight the experiment will proceed as the payload continues to take readings with its sensor as the rocket climbs in altitude. As the rocket reaches apogee and begins to descend the cameras will be deployed continuing on the experiment as they begin to stream video in real time so that hazards may be located. The data will then be analyzed in real time 9
Test Procedure Establish Control Readings Ensure all electronics are reading accurately Perform Experiment Analyze data Extrapolate results Report back Do it all….. safely 10
Tests of Recovery System Used a previous rocket with our PerfectFlite Stratologgger to test dual deployment. Did it static on the ground, with 1.5G black powder per side It deployed successfully. 11
Final Payload Design Overview Accelerometer, Strain Gauge hooked up to an Arduino PerfectFlite Stratologger acts as barometric pressure sensor RaspberryPi connected to 3G streams Video back in real time to look for hazards on the ground 12
Payload Integration Contained in two sections Nose Cone Mid Section Done in order to conserve on space and have space between strain gauges. It will be installed simply using the details outlined in the CDR to be elaborated on here. 13
Scheduling 14
Interfaces Each respective Microprocessor interfaces with its sub components Igniter interacts with the motor to launch the rocket 15
Questions? 16