Compendium of Best Practices and Benefits of National Logistics Associations in Selected APEC Economies AusAID-Funded Project Update Australia Economy: Republic of Korea Thirty Fourth APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting, Brisbane, Australia June 2011
TPT-WG34, Brisbane, Australia Thirty Fourth APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, June 2011 Project’s Objectives 1.To Assist target economies Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Vietnam to develop their own logistics associations in partnership between industry and government 2.To enable partner economies Australia, Singapore and Thailand to share information 3.To develop a compendium of best practices and benefits of national logistics associations for APEC economies
TPT-WG34, Brisbane, Australia Thirty Fourth APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, June 2011 Project’s Background 1.The $300,000 project is funded by AusAID, Australia’s aid agency for economic and social development projects 2.The project was developed in response to a directive by APEC Leaders endorsing the APEC Supply Chain Connectivity Framework as an effective vehicle to facilitate trade through transport logistics 3.Duration: 3 workshops from April 2011 – May Participating economies: 1.Target economies: Indonesia; Papua New Guinea and Vietnam 2.Partner economies Australia, Singapore and Thailand
TPT-WG34, Brisbane, Australia Thirty Fourth APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, June 2011 Project’s Rationale In response to Leaders’ directive 1.To improve the supply chain connectivity (SC) “behind” the border –Chokepoint 1 [lack of coordination between government and industry on logistics supply chains]. 2.To also address SC ‘across’ the border re Chokepoint 7 (to address variation of regulations across the border), relating to aligning of SC requirements between economies.
TPT-WG34, Brisbane, Australia Thirty Fourth APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, June 2011 Project’s Methodology 1.Three workshops (Melbourne; Bangkok; Hanoi) to develop a generic template for a national logistics association. 2.In April 2011, the first workshop was conducted in Melbourne with great outcomes for the Bangkok workshop in November The last workshop will be in Hanoi in May 2012 to develop national logistics associations models for Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Vietnam. 4.A compendium on best practices and benefits of national logistics associations will be developed for consideration by other APEC economies.
TPT-WG34, Brisbane, Australia Thirty Fourth APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, June 2011 Project’s Benefits 1.To promote the collaboration between relevant government agencies and industry on transport logistics supply chain connectivity government policies and measures on transport supply chain connectivity 2.To improve transparency of the regulatory environment; and 3.To increase awareness of these issues among relevant government agencies and other stakeholders in selected APEC economies.
TPT-WG34, Brisbane, Australia Thirty Fourth APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, June 2011 Project’s Key Deliverables 1.A generic National Logistics Association template and an implementation pathway for Papua New Guinea and Vietnam to develop their own NLAs and Indonesia to consider enhancing its existing NLA, as appropriate. 2.A compendium to contain findings, success stories, best practices, benefits, lessons learned and recommendations from the project, with a view to encouraging other APEC economies to consider for their local requirements
TPT-WG34, Brisbane, Australia Thirty Fourth APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, June 2011 Recommendation: That IIEG note progress of this project.