Beijing, China 1-3 July 2009
316 cases of WMD terrorism during *, including 105 in Asia and Oceania This number excludes non-terrorist solely criminal acts, “plots only,” and hoaxes or “empty threat” cases The IAEA International Trafficking Database (ITDB) identifies 18 incidents of illicit trafficking in HEU and Pu, during **, all of them involved non-state actors States have identified individuals, groups, and networks seeking nuclear dual-use items, resulting in numerous prosecutions *see Ivanova, Kate and Sandler, Todd (2006) 'CBRN Incidents: Political Regimes, Perpetrators, and Targets', Terrorism and Political Violence,18:3,423 — 448. **see Incidents Involving HEU and Pu Confirmed to the ITDB, (Vienna: IAEA, 2007, available as of 28 March 2008 at
Nuclear 18 Chemical16 Biological10 Trade Facilitation23
From paragraph 53 of the 2008 report* *For the full report, see: The Committee observes a significant increase, compared to its findings in 2006, in the number of States identified as having taken measures towards enhancing border and export controls. However, it is also recognized that passing legislation and regulations is not sufficient in and of itself.
UNSC resolution 1810 (2008) encourages States to prepare implementation plans to share with the 1540 Committee UNSC resolution 1810 (2008) also encourages States to make known requests for or offers of assistance To facilitate assistance efforts, the 1540 Committee has prepared a template for preparing assistance requests, available in all six UN languages template The use of the template or submissions of requests or offers to the 1540 Committee remains entirely voluntary. States may submit requests or offers to the 1540 Committee using any format they wish and may submit its requests or offers directly to its prospective partners.
Open Requests from Cambodia, Philippines, and Thailand Bilateral offers: Australia, Canada, EU, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, and the United States Offers through multilateral organizations: China, India, ROK, and Singapore
Resolution 1540 – a “vision” approach to strategic planning Each State must decide for itself how to implement its obligations under Resolution 1540 States may need assistance in meeting their obligations Just Think “1, 2, 3”
Project Title Name of Implementing Partner / Agency -- the actual party or parties that will participate. Project Summary -- briefly (e.g.100 words) say what you seek to achieve, why, what activity, in what time frame.
Provide a descriptive name for each specific activity and link it to one or more operative paragraphs in Resolution 1540 or field in the 1540 Matrix; For example, under OP. 3: “Training 20 Customs Officers in Chemical Detection Techniques” or “Testing equipment for nuclear detection at ports of entry” Provide additional comments you believe necessary, particularly the starting date, duration, and any specific outcomes
Identify preferences, if any, for funding sources Identify key personnel, particularly those at the level of the implementing partner; Include electronic contact information as well as names, titles, and addresses
Additional 1540 POCs E: Fax: Website: Dr. Richard T. Cupitt Expert, 1540 Committee, UN Security Council Scholar-in-Residence, School of International Service, American University E: Cell: +1 (202)