European Commission’s Green Paper COM(2007)354 adopted on 29 June 2007 Adapting to climate change in Europe – options for EU action - Rosário Bento Pais.


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Presentation transcript:

European Commission’s Green Paper COM(2007)354 adopted on 29 June 2007 Adapting to climate change in Europe – options for EU action - Rosário Bento Pais European Commission REC Adaptation Workshop, Budapest, 19 November 2007

A Double challenge: 1. Mitigating – reducing emission:  to avoid unmanageable impacts 2. and adapting to climate change impacts:  to manage unavoidable impacts Climate change is happening

Europe has already warmed by 1°, faster than the global average. Rainfall and snowfall: significantly increased in Northern Europe Droughts : more frequent in Southern Europe Non-linearity of climate impacts and sensitivity of ecosystems: small temperature changes can have big effects Frequency of extreme events increases Europe will not be spared

Sensitive sectors in Europe EnergyFinancial sector and insurance Agriculture Industry and services Fisheries Transport TourismDisaster management Water Forestry Health Infrastructure and buildings Ecosystems and biodiversity Migration and security …

In blue: areas flooded by sea level rise in the absence of dykes 1990 level

1990 level + 1 meter

The case for action: saving on future damage costs When to adapt: early action brings clear benefits A role for each: European, national, regional, local authorities Multilevel governance: involving all actors Europe must adapt – challenges for society and policy

Options for EU action: 4 pillars 1 st pillar: early action in the EU 2 nd pillar: external action 3 rd pillar: expanding the knowledge base 4 th pillar: involving civil society and stakeholders

Pillar 1 – Early action Climate impacts will not stop at national or regional borders. Climate change will affect Community policies (e.g. Common Agricultural Policy; Common Fisheries Policy; the Water Framework Directive; the Natura 200O network; cohesion Policy, etc). Need for integration of impacts of climate change in the EU policies. Support for development projects under existing Community funding programmes will be affect by climate impacts (e.g. structural funds, cohesion funds, rural development programme, and transeuropean networks).

Pillar 2 – The external dimension Already by 2020 : Southern, Eastern and Southern-Eastern Asia – people at greatest risk from increased flooding from the sea and mega-deltas from rivers; Africa and Middle East – will face droughts and water shortage putting the growing population under pressure. Europe’s foreign and security policy, neighbourhood policy and especially the development co-operation policy needs to include climate impacts and adaptation measures.

Pillar 3 – Working together to fill the knowledge gaps Ways of filling the knowledge gaps: Share of information, knowledge and best practices; Need to develop a integrated, cross-sectoral and holistic approach.

Stakeholders; Regional and local authorithies; Companies; Citizens. Pillar 4 – Engaging European citizens, companies and authorities

Public web-based consultation on the green paper 30 July – 30 November questions in 21 languages or On Europa – Your Voice – Interactive Policy Making

Follow-up to the green paper - Next steps Summary report on the public consultation by January 2008 White paper with more concrete policy measures: : November 2008 Impact assessment accompanying the white paper

Green paper in all official languages: Contact: Unit C1: Climate strategy, international negotiations and monitoring of EU action More information