U10 Practice Plan Developed by Phonethip Ketnouvong REAL Fútbol Training
Week 1 Theme: Creating Space For Yourself (1 min) Intro: Moves to create space for yourself (5 min) Warm-up: Hand Ball Set up: 2 (5 yard) Goals in a 30x40 grid 2 Teams pass the ball back and forth using their hands. If the ball hits the ground, it’s the opposing teams ball. To score, you must throw ball to a teammate and they must either (1) head the ball into the goal, (2) volley the ball out of the air. Variations: Multiple balls if there are many players. (10 min) Skills: Process: Introduce, Demo, Practice on own for 1 minute. Correct group if necessary. 1.Fake, Stop and Go (Click here to see demo)Fake, Stop and Go –Stop and Go with one foot –Stop and Go with two feet –Fake, Stop & Go (Click to view video)Fake, Stop & Go 2.Single Cut & Double Cut (Click to see demo)Single Cut & Double Cut –Cut back the ball with your inside of the right foot. –Cut back the ball with your inside right foot. Immediately cut ball back with your left foot. –Swivel/twist your hips 3.Rollover – Outside (Slap Cut) (Click here to see demo)Rollover – Outside (Slap Cut) –Roll the ball with the right foot. Immediately cut with the outside of the same foot. (2 min) Water Break (8min) Game 1: 1v1 to 4 goals Defender plays ball to attacker to start Scoring: Attacker must do one of daily moves before dribbling through the goal Defender steals balls and roles are immediately changed (2 min) Water Break (8 min) Game 2: 1 to 1 to One Goal Defender plays ball to attacker to start Scoring: Attacker must do one of daily moves before dribbling through the goal Defender steals balls and roles are immediately changed (2 min) Water Break (30 min) Scrimmage: King of the Pitch 3 teams, 2 teams plays while 1 team sits. Winner stays on First goal wins D A A D A 10 yards
Week 2 Theme: Making Defenders Stab (1 min) Intro: Making the defenders stab (5 min) Warm-up: Steal the Vest Tag Objective: This is a fun game to play as a warm-up to improve your players' mobility and awareness on the field. Description: Give a vest to each player, and have him tuck the end of the vest into the back of his shorts so that most of the vest is hanging down behind him. When the game begins, the players run around inside a restricted space (such as the Penalty Area) and try to "steal" the vests from behind the other players. The game continues until no more vests remain to be stolen, and the player holding the most vests at the end wins. Distribute the vests again, and play once more but now everyone has a ball and dribbles. (10 min) Skills: Process: Introduce, Demo, Practice on own for 1 minute. Correct group if necessary. 1.Pull Back & Turn (Click to view video)Pull Back & Turn –Using the sole of your foot, pull the ball back and turn the opposite direction. Then dribble away. 2.V (Click here to view video)V –Using one foot, using the sole of the foot to pull the back towards you, pivot to the right, push the ball to the right side of your body using the inside of the foot. You have drawn a V with the ball on the ground. –Variation: When pulling back, hop and turn to the right, then push the ball with the inside of the right foot. 3.L (Click here to view video)L –Using one foot, using the sole of the foot to pull the ball towards you, push the ball to the right with the outside of the foot. You have drawn a L with the ball on the ground. –Variation: When pulling back, hop back and then push the ball to the right with your outside of the foot. (1) Pull Back, Pull Back, Outside of the foot (2 min) Water Break (8min) Game 1: 1v1 to 3 goals Defender plays ball to attacker to start in the opposite corner Scoring: Attacker must do one of daily moves before dribbling through the 3 goals. Attacker can not score in his goal he came from. Defender steals balls and roles are immediately changed Switch lines (2 min) Water Break 8min) Game 1: 1v1 to 2 goals (2 sided goals) Defender plays ball to attacker to start Scoring: Attacker must do one of daily moves before dribbling through the goal on the sides. Attackers can score on either side of the goal. Defender steals balls and roles are immediately changed Switch lines (2 min) Water Break (30 min) Scrimmage: King of the Pitch 3 teams, 2 teams plays while 1 team sits. Winner stays on First goal wins D A 10 yards D A 15 yards 10 yards Line 1 Line 2
Week 3 Theme: When Defenders Stab (1 min) Intro: When defenders stab (5 min) Warm-up: 1 st Touch Game Groups of 2 players who are yards a part. 1 Serves and 1 Receives. Server starts by passing the ball on the ground to Receiver. The Server then runs straight with arms wide out trying to tag Receiver. Server can only run towards the starting point of the receiver (so server can not chase the receiver). Receiver Variations: Receive with 1.Inside of foot (right foot dribbles right, open up) 2.Inside of foot (right foot dribbles left, criss cross) 3.Outside of foot (right foot dribbles right) 4.Take the ball out of the air 5.Chest 6.Head Server Variation: 1.Power: 50% power serve, 75% power serve, 100% power serve 2.Pass with Feet 3.Throw –ins 4.Keeper throws (10 min) Skills: Process: Introduce, Demo, Practice on own for 1 minute. Correct group if necessary. 1.Drag Shuffle (Click to see Demo)Drag Shuffle –Ball starts in between legs. Drag the ball to opposite side and then push ball forward –Variation: Add a pull back, Drag to side, then push forward (U) 2.Around the World –While pivoting on one foot, pull ball back 2-3 times in a circular motion. You should end up the way you faced before. –Last pull back should be a big pull back. 3.Self Pass –Pass the ball on one side of the defender while you run on the opposite side the defender. –Variations: Use outside of foot to pass to be more deceiving. (2 min) Water Break (8min) Game 1: 1v1 to 3 goals Scoring: Attacker must do one of daily moves before dribbling through the goal Defender steals balls and roles are immediately changed D and A does 1 Push Up = Ball goes out of bounds Passer immediately puts another ball in (2 min) Water Break 8min) Game 1: 1v1 to 1 goal Defender plays ball to attacker to start Scoring: Attacker must do one of daily moves before dribbling through the goal Defender steals balls and roles are immediately changed (2 min) Water Break (30 min) Scrimmage: King of the Pitch 3 teams, 2 teams plays while 1 team sits. Winner stays on First goal wins
Week 4 Theme: Taking Defenders Head On (1 min) Intro: When defenders stab (5 min) Warm-up: Coaches Call Out Tag All players with ball dribble in an area. When coach calls out “Red Socks”, players with Red Socks are it and try to tag others. If you get tag, 5 shuffles and they are back in. When coach calls out “Play On”, no one is it and everyone dribbles. Call out Variations: 1.Color of Socks, Shirts, Shorts, Shoes, Hair, etc 2.Gender (10 min) Skills: Process: Introduce, Demo, Practice on own for 1 minute. Correct group if necessary. 1.Lunge (Click here for demo)Lunge –Lunge to the left of the ball, push the ball to the right with the outside of the right foot –Variation: Double LungeDouble Lunge 2.Inside/Outside (Big Toe/Little Toe or Mathews) (Click to see demo)Inside/Outside (Big Toe/Little Toe or Mathews) –Push the ball with the inside of the right foot and then quickly with the outside of the foot. –Foot pushing the ball does not touch the ground until it pushes it away with the outside of the foot. 3.Scissors (Click to see demo)Scissors –As if you were going to pass the ball with the outside of the foot, you wave it around the ball with your left foot, and take it away with the outside of the right foot. (2 min) Water Break (8min) Game 1: 1v1 to 4 goals Defender plays ball to attacker to start Scoring: Attacker must do one of daily moves before dribbling through the goal Defender steals balls and roles are immediately changed (2 min) Water Break 8min) Game 1: 1v1 to 1 goal (Gates) Scoring: Attacker must do one of daily moves before dribbling through the Gates and shooting on goal Defender Stages (1) Crab, (2) Stand Up but Hands on head, (3) No Limitations and if Defender steals ball, he can score in same goal (2 min) Water Break (30 min) Scrimmage: King of the Pitch 3 teams, 2 teams plays while 1 team sits. Winner stays on First goal wins D A 10 yards A A D 15 yards
Week 5 Theme: Megs (1 min) Intro: Now that you know how to dribble left or right, we will learn how to meg a player by putting the ball through his legs. (5 min) Warm-up: Hospital Tag Designate 2 “Taggers” and the rest “Dribblers”. 1 st time tagged - you hold that part of the body the tagger touched you. 2 nd time tagged – you hold that part of the body and the first part you were tagged 3 rd time tagged – you go to the hospital (where coach is) and perform 10 shuffles or touches on the ball to be healed and return to the game. Switch roles as needed. (10 min) Skills: Process: Introduce, Demo, Practice on own for 1 minute. Correct group if necessary. 1.Inside/Outside (Big Toe/Little Toe or Mathews) (Click to see demo)Inside/Outside (Big Toe/Little Toe or Mathews) –Push the ball with the inside of the right foot and then quickly with the outside of the foot between the players legs. –Foot pushing the ball does not touch the ground until it pushes it away with the outside of the foot. 2.Double Touch –Ball starts in between your legs. Shuffle the ball from one foot to the other. Then push the ball forward between the players legs. (2 min) Water Break (8min) Game 1: 1v1 to 2 goals Defender plays ball to attacker to start Scoring: Attacker must do one of daily moves before dribbling through the goal Defender steals balls and roles are immediately changed (2 min) Water Break 8min) Game 1: 2v2 to 2 goals Defender plays ball to attacker to start Scoring: Attacker must do one of daily moves before dribbling through the goal Defender steals balls and roles are immediately changed (2 min) Water Break (30 min) Scrimmage: King of the Pitch 3 teams, 2 teams plays while 1 team sits. Winner stays on First goal wins D A A D A 10 yards 15 yards D A
Week 6 Theme: Changing Direction (1 min) Intro: Change of direction to separate yourself from defenders. (5 min) Warm-up: Splits, Give and Go Teams of 2 players. While everyone is dribbling, teams try to pass ball in between two other players on the same team (Splits). While everyone is dribbling, teams try to pass ball in between two other players on the same team and receive it back(Give & Go). Switch receivers as necessary. (10 min) Skills: Process: Introduce, Demo, Practice on own for 1 minute. Correct group if necessary. 1.The Maradona (Click to see demo)The Maradona (Click to see demo) –See demo. 2.Krueff (Click to see demo)Krueff –Touch the ball to the side. Fake a shot, then using the inside of your foot to cut the ball back behind planting foot. (2 min) Water Break (8min) Game 1: 1v1 to 4 goals Defender plays ball to attacker to start Scoring: Attacker must do one of daily moves before dribbling through the goal Defender steals balls and roles are immediately changed (2 min) Water Break 8min) Game 1: 1v1 to 2 goals Defender plays ball to attacker to start Scoring: Attacker must do one of daily moves before dribbling through the goal Defender steals balls and roles are immediately changed (2 min) Water Break (30 min) Scrimmage: King of the Pitch 3 teams, 2 teams plays while 1 team sits. Winner stays on First goal wins D A 15 yards 10 yards DA 15 yards
Week 7 Theme: Freestyle Recap (1 min) Intro: Combining moves to create your own in a freestyle session. (5 min) Warm-up: Splits, Give and Go Teams of 2 players. While everyone is dribbling, teams try to pass ball in between two other players on the same team (Splits). While everyone is dribbling, teams try to pass ball in between two other players on the same team and receive it back(Give & Go). Switch receivers as necessary. (10 min) Skills: Process: Introduce, Demo, Practice on own for 1 minute. Correct group if necessary. 1.Fake, Stop and Go (Click here to see demo)Fake, Stop and Go 2.Single Cut & Double Cut (Click to see demo)Single Cut & Double Cut 3.Rollover – Outside (Slap Cut) (Click here to see demo)Rollover – Outside (Slap Cut) 4.Pull Back & Turn (Click to view video)Pull Back & Turn 5.V (Click here to view video)V 6.L (Click here to view video)L 7.Drag Shuffle (Click to see Demo)Drag Shuffle 8.Around the World 9.Self Pass 10.Lunge (Click here for demo)Lunge 11.Inside/Outside (Big Toe/Little Toe or Mathews) (Click to see demo)Inside/Outside (Big Toe/Little Toe or Mathews) 12.Scissors (Click to see demo)Scissors 13.Inside/Outside (Big Toe/Little Toe or Mathews) (Click to see demo)Inside/Outside (Big Toe/Little Toe or Mathews) 14.The Maradona (Click to see demo)The Maradona (Click to see demo) 15.Krueff (Click to see demo)Krueff (2 min) Water Break 8min) Game 1: 1v1 to 4 goals Defender plays ball to attacker to start Scoring: Attacker must do one of daily moves before dribbling through the goal Defender steals balls and roles are immediately changed (2 min) Water Break (8min) Game 2: 1v1 to 1 goals Defender plays ball to attacker to start Scoring: Attacker must do one of daily moves before dribbling through the goal Defender steals balls and roles are immediately changed (2 min) Water Break (30 min) Scrimmage: King of the Pitch 3 teams, 2 teams plays while 1 team sits. Winner stays on First goal wins D A A D 10 yards
Week 8 Theme: (1 min) Intro: (5 min) Warm-up: (10 min) Skills: (2 min) Water Break 8min) Game 1: (2 min) Water Break (8min) Game 2: (2 min) Water Break (30 min) Scrimmage: King of the Pitch
THINGS TO REMEMBER AND OTHER GAMES COACHING Keep it fun, teach skills through games. Always explain what you want the kids to do while showing them. Give specific instructions. Instead of saying spread out, say something like “stand so you can’t touch a teammate”. Each session should be geared around touching the ball as many times as possible. Involve the ball in as many activities as possible. Basic movements such as running, skipping, hopping, etc. need to be emphasized. If these can be done while kicking, catching, rolling, or dribbling a ball... all the better! CHARACTERISTICS OF U - 10 PLAYERS Attention span longer than a 8 year old. Can attend to only one to three problem at a time. Understand simple rules that are explained briefly and demonstrated. We need to be patient and guide players Easily bruised psychologically. Shout praise often. Give "hints", don't criticize. Need generous praise and to play with and without pressure. Team play. (Will play on a team engage with their teammates) Can be selective on who they pass to. Constantly in motion, but can go longer before getting fatigued. Physical & Mentally, girls are developing quicker than boys at this age. Physical coordination developed. (Eye - hand and eye - foot coordination) Catching or throwing skills is developed. Can balance on their "good" foot but prefer not to balance on “bad” foot. PASSING AgesComment The Bank Game U10 to U 14Passing with pressure Keep Your Yard CleanU6 to U10 Fun passing game-no real pressure 3v1 VariationU6 to U14Passing Four Corners U10 to U 14 Split the DefendersU12-U14For older players Dodge BallU6 to U12Fun Game Tug of WarU6 to U14Passing for Accuracy Chip Pass Game U11 to U 14Chip pass or long pass Passing Through the Gates U-6 to U- 12To work on TECHNIQUE Crossing GameU8 to U14 No Mans Zone U10 to U 14Long passing and receiving Receiving DrillU6 to U14 Give and GoU8 to U14 Spread OutU8 to 12start with no soccer ball Wall Pass DrillU8 to U14 DRIBBLINGAgesComment Heading Activity U-11 to U- 14Heading 1v1 Dribbling/Fitness U-6 to U- 12Dribbling, Speed 1v1 Dribble Thru Gates U-6 to U- 14Dribbling with pressure Killer Whale U-6 to U- 10Dribbling and shielding Nascar U-6 to U- 14Fun drill 4 younger kids Speed Racer U-6 to U- 10Dibbling for younger kids Knockout U-6 to U- 12An old classic Tag- VariationU-6 to U 8Dribbling Explode U-6 to U- 14 SHOOTINGAgesComment Breakaway Shooting GameU-6 to U-14Good shooting game Four Corner Shooting GameU-6 to U-14Shoot or pass The Shooting GameU-6 to U-14 Attacking/DefendingAgesComment Corner Kick GameU8 to U14Watch them run 1V1U-6 to U-14 Get Out of HereU-8 to U-14A favorite of kids 4v4v4 Get Out of HereU-8 to U-14 4 Goal GameU-8 to U-14 FUN GAMESAgesComment P-I-GU-10 to U-14Juggling Power FinesseU-8 to U-14Finishing VolleyballU-10 to U14Juggling/half volley