2 Contents Poll Objectives Poll Description Poll Outcomes
3 Poll Objectives This Poll aims to examine citizens’ opinions on the following issues concerning their municipalities: Public opinion on the general direction of each municipality. The most important challenges facing municipalities. Attitudes toward local governance. Degree of satisfaction with the services provided by municipalities, including public services and utilities. Evaluation of the performance of the current council as compared with previous councils. The reasons behind complaints about local services. Attitudes toward women’s participation in municipal councils. The criteria that should apply to municipal council candidates.
4 Poll Description Sample Size: 1500 individuals; 500 from each municipality; Salt, Zarqa and Tafilah; who are 18 years or older, randomly selected from each municipality (50% male and 50% female). A random cluster sample included 30 sites in Salt and Tafilah and 50 sites in Zarqa. The frame of 2004 census was used. The poll was conducted on September 13-17, The field work for this poll was conducted by Middle East Marketing and Research Consultants. This poll was supported by the International Republican Institute (IRI).
5 Presentation of the Poll’s Most Important Findings
6 Municipality Tafilah%Zarqa%Salt% Things are going in the right direction Things are going in the wrong direction Not Sure/Do not know (NS/DK) 0.2 Refused to answer 100 Total Are things going in the right or wrong direction in your municipality?
7 Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah Garbage Collection Road paving and maintenance Municipal financial deficit/lack of resources Inefficient mayor and employees Street cleaning Public health supervision, disease control Corruption Water shortage Poor public transportation Poor street lighting Lack of health facilities Delay in issuing construction licenses Others No problems Do not know The most important problem facing your municipality? (open question)
8 Which of the following methods do you support for selecting a mayor and municipal councilors?
9 Which council was more successful in performing its tasks, the previous (elected) council or the current (appointed) council?
10 In 2001, small municipalities were incorporated into larger ones. Were you with the incorporation or against it at the time?
11 Are you with the incorporation now?
Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah To improve municipal services To enable municipalities to deal with problems more efficiently To increase revenue To decrease tribal conflict Other reasons No specific reason Total 100 Why did you support the incorporation at the time?
Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah Worsening of services Overlapping jurisdictions Increased distance between municipalities Increased taxes and penalties Unbalanced budget No change Other reasons No specific reason Total 100 Why were you against the incorporation at the time?
14 To what degree are you satisfied with the following services in your municipality? Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah Construction licensingSatisfied Not Satisfied Business licensingSatisfied Not Satisfied Road paving and maintenance Satisfied Not Satisfied Street cleaningSatisfied Not Satisfied Street lightingSatisfied Not Satisfied Health supervision of shops and factories Satisfied Not Satisfied
15 To what degree are you satisfied with the following services in your municipality? Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah Garbage collection Satisfied Not Satisfied Public health supervision/ Disease control Satisfied Not Satisfied Building and regulating public markets Satisfied Not Satisfied Building and maintaining public parks Satisfied Not Satisfied
16 Which council performed its tasks better: the current (appointed) council or the previous (elected) council? Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah Construction licensingCurrent Council Previous Council Business licensingCurrent Council Previous Council Road paving and maintenance Current Council Previous Council Street cleaningCurrent Council Previous Council
17 Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah Street lightingCurrent Council Previous Council Health supervision of shops and factories Current Council Previous Council Garbage collectionCurrent Council Previous Council Public health supervision/ Disease control Current Council Previous Council Which council performed its tasks better: the current (appointed) council or the previous (elected) council?
18 Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah Constructing and regulating public markets Current Council Previous Council Building and maintaining public parks Current Council Previous Council Which council performed its tasks better: the current (appointed) council or the previous (elected) council?
19 Municipality (% yes) SaltZarqaTafilah Construction licensing Business licensing Road paving and maintenance Street cleaning Street lighting Health supervision of shops and factories Garbage collection Do you have complaints about the following services in your city?
20 Municipality (% yes) SaltZarqaTafilah Public health supervision/ Disease control Constructing and regulating public markets Building and maintaining public parks Do you have complaints about the following services in your city?
21 Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah Construction licensing Higher cost Takes a long time, too much red tape Business licensing Takes a long time, too much red tape Difficulty in obtaining a license/ Regulations too strict Wasta What is your specific complaint about the following services?
22 Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah Road paving and maintenance Poor road paving and maintenance Street cleaning Lack of cleanliness Lack of follow up and attention No garbage bins What is your specific complaint about the following services?
23 Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah Street lighting Inadequate lighting Poor maintenance Garbage collection Garbage is not collected regularly Inadequate staffing Inadequate garbage bins/vehicles What is your specific complaint about the following services?
24 Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah Public health supervision/ Disease control Inadequate use of pesticides Lack of interest in the public health Constructing and regulating public markets Poorly organized markets Lack of markets, building new markets Building/maintaining public parks Lack of parks, building new parks What is your specific complaint about the following services?
25 Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah Telephone Services Satisfied Not Satisfied Water Services Satisfied Not Satisfied Electricity Services Satisfied Not Satisfied Public Transportation Satisfied Not Satisfied To what degree are you satisfied with the following services in your municipality?
26 Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah Sewage System Satisfied Not Satisfied Mail Services Satisfied Not Satisfied Education Services Satisfied Not Satisfied Health Services Satisfied Not Satisfied To what degree are you satisfied with the following services in your municipality?
27 Have you ever contacted a municipal council member (in person or by phone) about issues that are important to you or to your community? Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah Yes No Do not remember Total 100 Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah Yes No Do not remember Total 100 Has a municipal council member ever contacted you (in person or by phone) about issues that are important to you or to your community?
28 Did you vote in the last municipal elections in 2003? Municipality% SaltZarqaTafilah Yes No Do not remember Refused to Answer Total 100
29 Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah Lack of interest in elections Lack of confidence in candidates Age constraints No time Outside country Military personnel Personal reasons Other reasons Refused to answer Total 100 Why did you not vote in the last municipal elections?
30 Do you intend to vote in the upcoming municipal elections? Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah Yes No Do not remember Refused to answer Total 100
31 Do you agree with the following forms of women’s political participation in your municipality?
32 Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah Residing within the locality Important Not important ReligiosityImportant Not important Good record in public service Important Not important Holder of a university degree Important Not important There are a number of criteria that people think are important for a candidate who wants to run for election in your municipality. How important do you think each of these criteria is?
33 Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah Gives priority to public rather than personal interest Important Not important Political affiliationImportant Not important To be a maleImportant Not important There are a number of criteria that people think are important for a candidate who wants to run for election in your municipality. How important do you think each of these criteria is?
34 Municipality % SaltZarqaTafilah To be youngImportant Not important Good reputationImportant Not important A member of your family or tribe Important Not important There are a number of criteria that people think are important for a candidate who wants to run for election in your municipality. How important do you think each of these criteria is?