Regional Platforms for Collaboration CTI-6 (environment, fisheries) – Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, PNG, SI, Timor Leste – Intergovernmental, + NGO, PS partnerships Regional Plan of Action to Promote Responsible Fishing Practices including Combating IUU Fishing in the Region (marine capture fisheries) – Indonesia, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam – Intergovernmental, MOU ASEAN, ASEAN + n (trade, SEAFDEC agreement on technical advice) – SEAFDEC (+ Japan) (technical – aquaculture, capture fisheries, training, post-harvest) – Intergovernmental APEC - FWG – Pacific basin countries – Intergovernmental FAO – APFIC (Asia-Pacific wide, including W. Pacific and S. and W. Asia) – Intergovernmental Pacific: WCPFC (tuna – Convention level), FFA (tuna – South Pacific Forum countries), SPC (technical) – Intergovernmental UNEP – COBSEA – (environment, part of global Regional Seas Program) – Intergovernmental
RPOA: Regional Plan of Action to Promote Responsible Fishing Practices including Combating IUU Fishing in the Region Indonesia Australia Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia Malaysia Papua New Guinea Philippines Singapore Thailand Timor-Leste Vietnam Framework for Human And Institutional Capacity Building for Marine Capture Fisheries Management in RPOA Member Countries 1. Fisheries management planning 2. Fishing capacity management 3. Strengthening information systems* 4. Strengthening the scientific and economic basis for fisheries management 5. Effective decentralization* 6. Strengthening MCS 7. Strengthening regional and international cooperation 8. Strengthening legal, policy and administrative support * = priorities are country specific
RPOA Table of Human and Institutional Capacity Building Needs for Marine Capture Fisheries, From Da Nang Workshop, December 2010 /2 FISHERIES MANAGEMENT PLANNING Developing fishery specific management plans, incorporating the ecosystem approach to fisheries and participation FISHING CAPACITY MANAGEMENT Vessel licensing and/or registration Rights based fisheries management Developing alternative livelihoods Commercial capacity reduction schemes STRENGTHENING INFORMATION SYSTEMS Strengthening fishery independent monitoring systems Strengthening Information management Design of information collection systems Strengthening monitoring of Fisheries trade Strengthening fishery dependent monitoring systems STRENGTHENING THE SCIENTIFIC AND ECONOMIC BASIS FOR FISHERIES MANAGEMENT Strengthening scientific analytical capability and capacity to gather information Integrating scientific advice into management planning Economic impact analysis Strengthening capacity for assessment of climate change adaptation/mitigation in fisheries, inc. fishing vessel emissions Research planning
RPOA Table of Human and Institutional Capacity Building Needs for Marine Capture Fisheries, From Da Nang Workshop, December 2010 EFFECTIVE DECENTRALIZATION Strengthening coordination and accountability between national/local levels Strengthening implementation at local level Community-based management of fisheries Strengthening legal basis to support decentralisation STRENGTHENING MCS Strengthening MCS information systems Strengthening MCS Co-ordination Building entry/mid level MCS skills Port State Measures Risk assessment/compliance planning Encouraging Voluntary compliance STRENGTHENING REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Strengthening capacity for complementary management of transboundary stocks Strengthening capacity for Joint (and common) Stock assessment (RPOA stock assessment platform; defining stock structure) Strengthening capacity for cooperative MCS Strengthen capacity for International engagement STRENGTHENING LEGAL, POLICY AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT Clarifying institutional roles/responsibilities Encourage strengthening of legal frameworks (inc. improving compatibility; capability to address emerging issues) Strengthening capacity of senior execs to promote importance of fisheries Strengthening capacity for internal needs assessment Public performance reporting