WINTER Template Essential Questions What are the best ways to learn about children? What are 3 areas of childhood that researchers have studied? In what ways do children learn and develop important skills? Why is observation important in the study of child development? How can the different methods of observation be used and interpreted?
Chapter Vocabulary Caregiver Impact Moral Stimulation Developmental Task Self Esteem Subjective Objective Baseline Interpretation Confidentiality
Think about this poem Children Learn What They Live If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn. If children live with hostility, they learn to fight. If children live with ridicule, they learn to be shy. If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty. If children life with encouragement, they learn to be confident. If children live with tolerance, they learn to be patient. If children live with praise, they learn appreciation. If children live with acceptance, they learn to love. If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves. If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness. If children live with security, they learn to have faith. If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place to live.
Do you believe everything this poem says? Explain Explain how this poem is relevant to a parent or caregiver. Assessment Prompt
Benefits of Studying Children understanding children and yourself learn why children feel, think and act impact you have on a child typical behavior for children enjoy children more learn about career opportunities Assessment Prompt: Describe someone who has had an impact on you Share
Understand them Why they do things Stages of development and behavior Importance of caregivers Gain skills Basic care Personal skills (responsibility, patience…) Understand yourself Childhood shapes you and helps you mature Build for the future Careers Better skills Why do we study children?
Comparing Childhood Past and Present PastPresent Health Education Love Work Play Dress
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Small Group Activity Teacher will assign you to groups. Each group will have one of the areas---Past and Present Discuss among group members, what things surprised you and how you would feel living like that. You will have a few minutes and then be asked to share what you discussed with the group. Explain who has the “better” life—now or then
So what exactly is stimulation? Any activity that arouses the babies sense of sight sound touch taste smell The more stimulation they have the more secure their self-image. By 3-4 months, babies are starting to make connections ___________________ is the key to reinforcing brain pathways and learning faster!
Stimulation is very important for development! hqdefault.jpg
Why is childhood so important? Brain Development / Red is good This brain is missing a lot!
Characteristics of Development Development is similar for each individual. Development builds on earlier learning. Development proceeds at an individual rate. The different areas of development are interrelated. Development is continuous throughout life. Explain that to me!
Ways Children Develop Physical Social Emotional Intellectual Moral Explain how parents help with each of these Small Group Activity---childhood game
Why Research Child Development? Many people spend their whole lives researching child development and still don’t have all the answers. Why? There is a lot of information about children that is unknown but what we do know has changed the way: parents raise their children educators teach children toy makers produce toys how we help child grow and develop
Leading Childhood Theorists Jean Piaget g st to study scientifically Interacted with children Intellectual learning Stages Teacher—appropriate activities
Leading Childhood Theorists Erik Erikson Stages of development Psychological crisis Positive outcome Personality Teacher---aware and help through
Leading Childhood Theorists Lev Vygotsky Culture/surrounds important Influence on development Social contact=intellectual dvmt Zone of Proximal Development Teacher—need a lot of social interaction
Leading Childhood Theorists Maria Montessori Worked with developmentally disabled children Learning can occur for all Learn when you like Hands on Teacher---provide activities
Leading Childhood Theorists Howard Gardner present Solve problems differently Strengths and weakness Need variety in group Teacher---know and use to best advantage
What do you think? Think about all the theories we just talked about. Which one do you agree with the most. Share
Childhood is an important time of physical, social, emotion, and intellectual development. A child’s heredity and environment affect development. Development continues throughout the life cycle. If this statement is true, why do most researchers just look at childhood as a time of change and development? What have you found recently that has changed your attitude/thoughts/actions?
Heredity or Environment You will be divided into 3 groups. You will need to defend your assigned point of view. Heredity (Nurture) Environment (Nature) Combination
Development of Self-Esteem How you feel about yourself Overcome challenges of developmental tasks Helps deal with frustration and success
05 Help with Self Esteem Parents/Caregiver should” Give praise Don’t be too critical Realistic goals Encourage new experiences Model self esteem Honest about mistakes
Human Life Cycle Developmental Task Adolescence Identity Independence Education/career Young Adulthood Finish education Work Marriage
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