1 ATLAS Upgrade WP4 Face to Face meeting Liverpool June 2012 Richard French – The University of Sheffield Ian Mercer – Lancaster, Martin Gibson, John Mattheson, Ian Wilmut RAL, Georg Viehausser- Oxford Alex Owen, Alex Martin QMUL (Database) Richard Bates –Glasgow. Cooling update task 2
2 Production of Staves, Stavelets and other bits and bobs. Production of components 6 Now made and at RAL With RAL for testing (PD) Run out of VCR fittings so due from Manchester on Friday 21 st – join next week VCR fittings to stalks due on 9 th July VCR fittings to stalks due on 9 th July + pressure test pieces Done PD = Pressure drop work May revise some of the 1.6m long variants and just keep the 316L ones as this means we can make in house and join. This saves is £500 per circuit in 316L and £1k per circuit in CP2 Ti. Need to discuss effort recharge as this is a big job and need to understand scope for it to be done somewhere else funded by the project, or have quotes for this to be completed externally. Schedule is desirable. (PD)
1.6 &1.2m long objects – Pressure drop measurements + Vac brazing: Show and tell – big exercise into how to make this properly. All cooling circuits we need made including some odd 1.6m long variants. How to join 316L stainless steel (VCR Fitting) to Titanium has been exceptionally problematic. Ni plating of the Ti fails due to the Ni being absorbed by the Ti (Ti dioxide) thirst for drawing anything into the microstructure when heated. This then makes the Ti collapse and fail, often dramatic structural failure is observed when cooled. Correct process is Cu plating of the 316L stainless and then using a Cu/Silver braze alloy to join in vac furnace at 580c. Have now gone through many iterations of this joint and on 7 th attempt look to have something good. Therefore mass production has now commenced 12/6/12 of CP2 Ti stalks with VCR fittings. This includes all weld test pieces, all PIXEL disc prototypes, 20x 1.8” OD + 20x 2.275mm OD weld o stubs weld staves, Stavelets and Micro Stavelets inc Grahams new bend radius Micro-Stavelet. General Schedule: Delivery date for Ti-VCR components to Sheffield from Pontardawe is now wb 9 th July The 316L circuits, are all now at RAL for testing. 1x fully completed by MG with data. Ti circuits will follow once ends welded onto the circuits – includes all pressure test pieces (confident this will work but will allow for test results before welding stave circuits). Cu blocks – material procured and waiting for final design confirmation from RB. Ti order for new tube done – need to press go with SSC [see next slide]. Thermal shock kit using chilled brine progressing well at RAL 3
Tube stock / procurement Lancaster’s Stock from Ian 1/8” Stainless Steel 0.18 wall 4lengths at 1.8m 16metres of stainless steel tube 1/8” with a 0.22mm wall 10 lengths of 1/8” Titanium tube 2.2m long. 5 metres of 2mm stainless steel 5 lengths of 3 metre long capillary tube 1.2mm dia. 4 lengths of 2 metre long Stainless steel 1/8” with a thick wall of.75 mm 4 Due for delivery on 28 th Aug.
Joining & cutting update Lancaster Progressing well with discussions with Laser company. Meeting at RAL very productive Development phases outlined. Need to send tube samples and Ian to keep links with Mike. Laser tube preparation is problematic as AWS warns of heat damage from laser. RAL developed mechanical solution & will test in Sheffield to see if a weld is possible with this tube prep equipment. Sheffield Spent far too long on vac brazing solutions for stainless to Ti. Now look to be successful and repeatable. Ready to switch back to finishing off the 2.275mm CP2 Ti weld testing. PIPE Ltd loaning us a tube flaring tool to make the sleeve joint required for welding 125um wall CP2 Ti. New low current output weld system developed and now in production. Testing production unit once new lab ready in July. Investigating comparisons between welding systems arc gaps, profiles New electrodes sourced and under test – drop arc voltage again Relocating laboratory to new work area so we don’t have contamination from tube preparation in the Ti welds. Will have RPS approval of work area in August (hopefully). 5
Electrical studies John Matheson is continuing to blow chips up. Essential to try and obtain test structures that match what we propose to use & test with our actual weld procedure. Last presentation at AUW. Meeting in Sheffield planned next week for further discussion. Old Stave from Hamburg available to use and now at RAL. Hector is now starting to investigate how to measure system power consumption and machine efficiency = get accurate output measurements. Hall effect clamp used on M200 - Initial current measurements convincing but need to refine the set up with new shunts, high voltage probes and correct cabling to read out system. Designing a thermal chamber to rule out temp and dependency for hyper accurate measurements. This is using a manual torch mounted on a micro-positioning turntable so arc gaps can be varied. 6
Testing of components Martin Gibson - RAL 316L loops under test 2 nd of 7 now in. 1 loop completed with test data – needs to be entered in the database and then we can update with all the past info.. 7 Shipping container damaged, 1 st one in 4/5 years. Poor construction as we only tend to used these for storage and personal shipping not DHL etc. New cases available to purchase from Amptown or similar. Pics from Martin