Chapter 28 Affluence and Its Discontents, © 2003 Wadsworth Group All rights reserved.
Foreign Policy, Leadership change in Moscow - Stalin’s death (1953) - Nikita Khrushchev a. policy of “peaceful coexistence” b. Sputnik ( )Sputnik - US creates NASANASA (c) 2003 Wadsworth Group All rights reserved
The Kennedy Years: Foreign Policy John F. Kennedy –Groomed for political leadership –Service in Congress House & Senate (c) 2003 Wadsworth Group All rights reserved
The Election of 1960 John F. Kennedy vs. Richard M. Nixon 1 st Televised debate (c) 2003 Wadsworth Group All rights reserved
Cuban Affairs From Batista to Fidel Castro Castro’s revolution ( ) Eisenhower places economic boycott on Cuba - Diplomatic/trade relations end (1960) - Castro seeks aid from Soviet Union (c) 2003 Wadsworth Group All rights reserved
Cuban Missile Crisis Bay of Pigs invasion (April 1961) secret invasion, southern coast of Cuba Mission failed Castro turns to Soviet Union for protection Oct Khrushchev sends nuclear missiles to Cuba (defensive) / 90 miles U-2 plane
Crisis continue JFK decision - Naval blockade, “quarantine” (180 warships) Agreement Kennedy & Khrushchev - removal of missiles / Kennedy’s promise - Soviet ships turn around - nuclear war avoided
Intensity of Cuban Missile Crisis Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara later recalled leaving a presidential conference during the 13-day crisis, looking up at the sky, and wondering if the world would still be there 24 hours later. Pg 749
Vietnam Vietnam Post- WWII Ho Chi Minh & the Vietminh –Dien Bien Phu (1954) Geneva Peace Accords (1954) - North & South Vietnam Eisenhower’s Domino Theory (c) 2003 Wadsworth Group All rights reserved
Vietnam (continue) Ngo Diem - corrupt regime - CIA coup (1963) US becoming more embedded in Vietnamese affairs - politically & economically
The Brown Cases NAACP & racism Brown v Board of Education (1954) - segregated public schools violated constitution Initiated Civil Rights Movement racism continued in South - Emmett Till (1955) (c) 2003 Wadsworth Group All rights reserved
Emmett "Bobo" Till was a 14-year old African- American from Chicago, Illinois who was brutally lynched in the Mississippi Delta. His murder was one of the key events that energized the Civil Rights Movement. The main suspects for the crime--both white men--were acquitted, but later admitted to committing the crime. Till's mother had an open casket funeral to let everyone see how her son had been brutally murdered.
The Montgomery Bus Boycott and Martin Luther King Jr. MLK & the SCLC - advocated nonviolence protests for social change Direct Action campaigns Rosa Parks (1955, pg 741) (c) 2003 Wadsworth Group All rights reserved
The Civil Rights Movement, "Sit-in" movement (1960) - Greensboro, N.C. Birmingham March (1963) [p751] - worldwide coverage “March on Washington” (1963) _ “I Have a Dream” Speech –1 st Civil Rights Legislation (1964) (c) 2003 Wadsworth Group All rights reserved
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy November 22, 1963, JFK assassinated in Dallas, TX Lee Harvey Oswald Jack Ruby Warren Commission Kennedy’s death source of conspiracy theories (c) 2003 Wadsworth Group All rights reserved
Assassinations of MLK Lorraine motel/ sanitation strike James earl Ray - pleaded guilty / 99-yr sentence - riots followed King’s death
Assassination of Robert Kennedy CA primary (1968) sirhan
Conclusion 1960s- decade of political upheaval World reaches the brink of a nuclear war War in Vietnam Civil Rights Movement success - passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 & Voting Rights of 1965 (c) 2003 Wadsworth Group All rights reserved