Intro to Kennedy and the Cold War Ch 17-1 You will complete an activity for each red section of Ch 17-1 A. Kennedy Becomes President You will be taking Cornell notes. Take notes on each section on the left, and then create a question that answers those notes on the right. Notes Questions answered by notes - B. The Bay of Pigs Invasion Notes over incident Political Cartoon C. The Berlin Crisis Summarize the crisis in 45 words D. The Cuban Missile Crisis take notes on the crisis. Then, create a news broadcast of the event similar to what you might see on CNN
The Sixties Chapter 17 Section 1 Lesson 1: Kennedy and the Cold War
Activity 1: Class Notes Bay of Pigs Invasion President Kennedy and many Americans were worried about a Communist government in Cuba - Fidel Castro overthrew an unpopular dictator in 1959 - U.S. feared that Soviet Union could use Cuba as a base for an attack or to spread communism in Latin America - Before leaving office, Eisenhower approves a plan for the CIA to train Cuban exiles and help them invade Cuba - Kennedy approves the final plan - Invasion occurs in April of 1961 at the Bay of Pigs - turns into a disaster, Kennedy abandons the plan - does not send in U.S. troops as ground invasion fails by the exiles - this reflected poorly on the new administration
- East Berliners were gradually crossing into West Berlin Activity 2: The Berlin Wall - Khrushchev viewed the Bay of Pigs incident as a sign of American weakness - meets with Kennedy and demands that U.S. withdraw troops from West Berlin and recognize East Germany - East Berliners were gradually crossing into West Berlin - more than a 1,000 a day in 1961 - August 13, 1961 workers began building the Berlin Wall - 28 mile barrier of barbed wire and cement - Kennedy protested this move and sent 1500 U.S. troops as a sign of force - June 26, 1963, Kennedy restates his support for West Berlin in a speech at the Berlin Wall
The Sixties Chapter 17 Section 1 Lesson 2: The Cuban Missile Crisis Activity 1: Watch scenes 3-6 and then answer the following question: Imagine you are the President of the United States, which of the following options would you choose? Pick one and explain your answer. (Keep Dean Acheson’s explanation in mind when choosing!) A. Surgical Air Strike which would knock missiles out. B. Larger Air Strike which would knock out missiles and Soviet men/equipment. C. Invasion by Sea and Land. D. Air and Land Invasion. E. Keep trying to talk to the Soviets to get the missiles out.
Activity 2: Watch scenes 10-14 and answer the following question. If you were the leader of the Soviet Union, how would you respond to the U.S. declaration to “quarantine” Cuba. Pick one and explain your answer. A. Tell U.S. your ships will not obey the quarantine. B. Tell U.S. that you will quarantine an area they send ships to. C. Do not give U.S. a clear answer so as to keep them from knowing exactly what you will do. D. Tell U.S. that you will bring your ships headed for Cuba back to the Soviet Union.
Activity 3: Watch scenes 15 & 16. Then, imagine you are the pilot who has been called to personally deliver the U-2 surveillance pictures to the top military leaders of the country. How will you answer their question? Give your answer and explain your reasons.
Activity 4: Watch scenes 26, 27 and 29-31. Then, answer the following question for homework: What lessons were learned by the U.S. and the Soviet Union from this near tragic confrontation. Be specific and explain your answer.
The Sixties Chapter 17 Section 2 Lesson 4: The Assassination of JFK Activity 1: As you watch the program, take notes on the facts and theories surrounding the assassination of JFK. “Beyond Consiracy” Facts of Theories Warren Report Event (conspiracy) Findings
The Age of Kennedy Domestic Events Foreign Events
The Sixties Chapter 17 Section 3 Lesson 5: The Johnson Administration Activity 1: For each of the programs below, expain each and evaluate their impact on society. Name of Program Explanation of Program Then Impact Today 1. Job Corp 2. VISTA 3. Tax Reduction Act 4. Elementary and Secondary Education Act 5. Omnibus Housing Act 6. Voting Rights Act 7. Medicaid 8. Medicare 9. Head Start 10. Federal Food Assistance 11. Legal Services
Activity 2: Use pp 550-551 and complete the Document-Based Investigation activity by reading and answering questions 1. a-b through 4 a-b. under activity 2.