U.S. History Lesson Steps 5/26/11
Standards and Elements SSUSH23 The student will describe and assess the impact of political developments between 1945 and Elements: a. Describe the Warren Court and the expansion of individual rights as seen in the Miranda decision. b. Describe the political impact of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy; include the impact on civil rights legislation. c. Explain Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society; include the establishment of Medicare. d. Describe the social and political turmoil of 1968; include the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy, and the events surrounding the Democratic National Convention.
Enduring Understanding The students will understand that the contrast between the presidencies of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson is striking. While Kennedy articulated plans for domestic reform, few of his programs actually advanced through Congress. Johnson who took office after Kennedy’s death, used his legislative skills to push through Congress some of the most significant social programs in the nation’s history.
Essential Questions 1. What was the Warren Court and why was it important? (pg. 979) 2. What was the political impact of the assassination of President Kennedy on Civil Rights Legislation? 3. What was President Johnson’s “Great Society” and what programs did it include? 4. How did the assassinations of Robert F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther, King Jr. create political and social turmoil?
Standards and Elements SSUSH24 The student will analyze the impact of social change movements and organizations of the 1960s. Elements: a. Compare and contrast the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) tactics; include sit-ins, freedom rides, and changing composition. b. Describe the National Organization of Women and the origins and goals of the modern women’s movement. c. Analyze the anti-Vietnam War movement. d. Analyze Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers’ movement. e. Explain Rachel Carson and Silent Spring, Earth Day, the creation of the EPA, and the modern environmentalist movement. f. Describe the rise of the conservative movement as seen in the presidential candidacy of Barry Goldwater (1964) and the election of Richard M. Nixon (1968).
Enduring Understanding The students will understand that inspired by the Civil Rights Movement, women, Latinos, and Native Americans struggled to achieve equality in the 1960’s and the 1970’s through protest. The movement for social change affected almost every aspect of American society, from the environment to consumer awareness.
Essential Questions 1. How was SNCC different from SCLC? (Pg. 938) 2. What were the origins and goals of NOW? 3. How did College Students protest the Vietnam War? 4. Who was Cesar Chavez what did he believe and do? 5. Who was Rachel Carson and what did she believe and do? 6. When was the first Earth Day celebrated and why? 7. What was the EPA and what are their responsibilities? 8. Who was Barry Goldwater and why was he considered a Conservative?
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