A Time of Upheaval,
The New Left The Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) The Port Huron Statement “Hell no, we won’t go”!
The Counterculture Hippies Music of the 1960s The Sexual Revolution The Pill Roe V Wade (1972) The Gay Liberation
The Tet Offensive (Jan. 1968) The “psychological” victory The Doves Eugene McCarthy Robert Kennedy
The assassination of Martin Luther King JR April 4, 1968
Vice President Hubert Humphrey The assassination of Robert Kennedy The 1968 Election Richard Nixon Henry Kissinger Realpolitik
Vietnamization The Nixon Doctrine My Lai William Calley JR Nixon escalates the war
Kent State (May 1970) The Pentagon Papers (1971) The Credibility Gap
Détente with China Reasons for Détente Ping Pong Diplomacy Nixon goes to China (1972) Leonid Brezhnev SALT I (May 1972)
The Paris Peace Accords (Jan. 1973) The War Powers Act (1973) The Vietnam Syndrome
Nixon and the Environment The Environmental Protection Agency The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Earth Day (April 1970) Environmental Laws
Affirmative Action Title IX (9) Nixon’s Southern Strategy Allan Bakke
The Yom Kippur War OPEC Gas Prices Kissinger’s Shuttle Diplomacy Inflation problems
The Plumbers CREEP The 1972 Election George McGovern Woodward and Bernstein
Nixon’s Taping System Elliot Richardson Archibald Cox The Saturday Night Massacre Impeachment proceedings
Furthering the credibility gap Spiro Agnew Gerald Ford The role of the Supreme Court in the Watergate Scandal
Nixon resigns (Aug. 9, 1974) Ford becomes President